Larry Villiard is the principal of a K-12 school in Bruce Wisconsin.

  • Larry has been there since 1995
  • Moved from a junior high school to a middle school.
  • About 500 students
  • 2 classes per grade
  • Middle school has a separate schedule from everyone else. Extended core classes 80 minutes long.
  • The staff is the key to making kids successful.
  • How has the PLC approach helped you.
  • Took ideas from the staff to make it successful. Transitions getting kids moving around more.
  • Give kids 20 minutes of homework time during the class period.
  • Lengthened class periods decreased ODRs.
  • A small little man can't make all the decisions.
  • People couldn't believe that people just went about their business when they visited the school.
  • In one school year, we lost superintendent and elementary principal. I was going to be moved out of my comfort zone.
  • They came back like new staff, like new people.
  • A PLC cannot be a set of meetings!
  • A PLC has to become your culture.
  • Take what is working best and eliminate what is not working.
  • Data Days 3 times per year - drives all interventions
  • Were dead last in our achievement and now are in 1st place.

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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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