Rachael and John George Both principals in Oregon share their experiences of turning around schools.

  • The Three Amigos
  • Sandy Green Elementary School - lowest 10% of the schools. Working with a well-known publisher on reading and writing, and it wasn’t going as well as they thought!
  • Year 1 from 10%ile to 50%ile. Year 4 82%ile. With highest Free and Reduced lunch rate in the district.
  • Honed in on systems and structures
  • Full staff turnover in those four years.
  • 3-4 year plan
    1. First thing you need to do is establish relationships.
    1. You’ve got to be the examiner of systems and structures.
  • Identify holes in intervention and enrichment.
  • Each building has its own issues.
  • Three changes in the first year: 1. Slow 2. Integrated with content, but lost on the students 3. No engagement
  • Students were passively sitting there, while the teacher was doing all the heavy lifting.
  • Level of community involvement.
  • Need to do different because we are teaching different students.
  • How do we do different different?
  • It’s supposed to be hard.
    1. Be the filter: teach to cause a positive result.
  • Modified Danielson Rubric for evaluation. I can’t evaluate you in Domain 1 unless I see your lesson plans.
  • You can’t be good with what you do without a game plan.
  • Look at the standards and make them meaningful.
  • New teachers out perform due to effective lesson plans.
  • Need guidance and coaching and mentoring around lesson plans. Provides the opportunity for reflection in lesson plans and it makes them better as teachers.
  • Lesson plans provide feedback on Professional Development - if we can’t see it reflected in lesson plans.
  • Keeping your lesson plans to reflect on later.
  • Planning formative assessment.
  • CoTeach model - special education & ELL population
    1. Be in classrooms a lot.


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