Matthew Moyer Website is an elementary school principal with over 17 years of experience in administration, and over 23 years of experience in education. In addition to his job as principal, he is a Nationally Distinguished Principal, Pennsylvania Principal of the Year, Author,  National Speaker, Adjunct Professor, and staff developer with Thom Stecher and Associates.

  • The adventures of David and Donald: The Fractured flower pot
  • Building relationships during the pandemic
  • Relationships are at the cornerstone of what principals need to do.
  • Posting daily on social media to connect with families.
  • Popup principal.
  • Postcards are a great way to connect.
  • Impact program
  • Assume goodwill.
  • Finding good mentors, asking good questions.
  • Ask all the questions you can.
  • Top down and bottom up leadership. Including everyone in the conversation.
  • Involve people in the process.
  • You’ve got to talk tot he right people.
  • You have to believe that the collaboration matters.
  • You have to articulate your message in multiple ways and multiple means.
  • Can’t let perfect be the enemy of good.
  • Take the time you need to make a decision.
  • Kids always come first.
  • Don’t double down on a bad idea!
  • How to be a transformative principal? Get out of your office and be where the kids are.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Tracey Runeare taught high school social studies for 16 years before becoming a high school assistant principal. She has been the principal of Harbor High School in Santa Cruz, California for 5 years.

  • Harbor High School - Santa Cruz - Beachside community. Small high school with 1100 students.
  • Role of an admin needs to be shifted. To hear what teachers are struggling with and where they need help.
  • Relationships - getting people to understand the why
  • Still go into classrooms, even when they are virtual.
  • Student X - is the prototypical student. A little bit of every student.
  • How do you design your school to meet their needs?
  • Create the best experience for students, flexible as much as possible.
  • Flexibility takes a lot of work.
  • Every teacher having that flexibility.
  • We try to pay teachers for what they are doing outside of the day.
  • We try to see what we can do to help.
  • We have a system for organized binder and making sure that things are taken care of for them.
  • Consistency is doing what people need.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Ask questions — if you think something is going on, ask some people before you assume there is a need you need to fulfill.
  • Not solving problems empowers everyone in the school.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Blatantly Honest with Makaila Nichols Transformative Principal 372

At 22, Makaila Nichols is a model, speaker and best-selling author (at age 18) of “Blatantly Honest: Normal Teen, Abnormal Life.” In her book, she shares her personal struggles with issues such as: bullying, body image, sexual assault, peer pressure and more. Makaila was bullied unmercifully throughout her adolescence and even today as a recent college grad (University of Central Florida). Makaila found that through writing she was able to cope with the struggles she was enduring. 

  • The difference between being bullied and just being mean
  • series of repeated behaviors.
  • Why writing was helpful.
  • How to overcome the challenges
  • Figuring out who you are is the most important part
  • Moon mission
  • Open up to your parents, because they love you.
  • it’s scary to ask for help, but it is worth it.
  • Moon Shots: Operation Inspiration
  • Blatantly honest foundation.
  • Buddies don’t bully and everyone is beautiful.
  • How to persevere and have resilience?
  • We’re not the result of what happens to us.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Maureen O’Shaughnessy, EdD, is a career school innovator with over 30 years of transforming learning in schools to better serve all students.
She is the founding director of Leadership Preparatory Academy, a nonprofit progressive micro-school in Washington State. With a master’s degree in educational administration and a doctorate degree in educational leadership, she has an extensive understanding of the components needed to transform the education system.
Her book, Creating Micro-Schools for Colorful Mismatched Kids: A Step-by-Step Process that Empowers Frustrated Parents to Innovate Education, includes a step-by-step process for how to start a micro-school of your own.
She also has a podcast called Education Revolution.

  • Always worked to find new ways of supporting kids.
  • Overseas work in Kuwait and Ecuador.
  • A school that could meet each student where they are.
  • Independent school with sliding scale tuition.
  • Use alternative learning laws.
  • If you know something, we move you on.
  • Competency based.
  • Geared towards students thriving.
  • Don’t have incentives to change it.
  • We have to have a reason to make changes.
  • The system was more important than the human.
  • We’re part of the inhumane system.
  • We need to examine our hearts, and what am I going to do to buck the system?
  • We need to gently examine ourselves.
  • It’s hard and uncomfortable.
  • Agency is everything for teachers and students.
  • When we let people go with their passions, they work so much harder!
  • Let go of control.
  • Let the trailblazers lead the way.
  • Sometimes kids learn so much more from seeing their teachers fail.

19:25 ad break

  • Microschool is just a small school. Could be like your school.
  • The local school district
  • Many choice schools within the district.
  • There’s a need and a desire for specific schools.
  • Many schools have a school within a school.
  • We have this sense of entitlement that they have to get it all done in my class.
  • Kids can do an 1/8 of a credit.
  • If we can look at other ways for finding success.
  • Start looking at the teachers and rethink how we get credit.
  • Start with those that get it.
  • How to protect teachers who are sticking their heads above the rest.
  • Support those teachers and build support around them.
  • When we highlight the problem, we offer a solution.
  • Parents are a valued stakeholder.
  • Have clearly delineated roles for who is doing what!
  • Listen and think, how can we serve this population?
  • Tap into that passion!
  • How to be a transformative principal? Put reflection and personal growth in your calendar.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Trevor Goertzen
–15th year in education
Building Principal at Spring Hill Middle School, Spring Hill, Kansas
Teacher & Instructional Coach Blue Valley School, Overland Park, Kansas
National Board Certified Teacher

  • Kansas Podcast - KPA Listen Up!
  • Communication director of Kansas Principal Association.
  • Teachers in emergency learning environment.
  • Didn’t have a way to ensure learning was taking place.
  • You asked, we answered session in the summer focusing on best practices for learning in a pandemic.
  • August planning to support good remote learning.
  • Extra 12 days of professional development. And COVID precautions.
  • High Yielding Remote practices.
  • Prioritizing content standards
  • Integrating past content. Flashback flash forward.
  • What we didn’t want to do is front load all the work for the kids. Just in time learning.
  • Technology training and professional training
  • It’s not the way people thought it was going to be done.
  • Specific questions to help teachers articulate the challenges they were facing.
  • What support can we provide?
  • How to help teachers articulate their feelings.
  • Gave questions a few days in advance to help them be prepared.
  • Met with 20 teachers over the course of a week.
  • Worried about specific kids.
  • It’s really hard to support kids that are around. Kids aren’t retaining it as well as they could.
  • Got leadership together and asked what makes sense going forward?
  • Allowed them time to talk about kids.
  • Go slow to go fast.
  • Pivoted this week to prioritize what teachers were doing.
  • Give them time to talk with each other.
  • The things you would have done, you’re not even thinking about right now.
  • I just miss kids talking.
  • Prioritize their standards.
  • Make it a culture week.
  • Giving people time to be honest and talk.
  • We’ve got to find a way to create opportunities for people to have fun with each other.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Reach out to a colleague that you haven’t spoken to in a while and connect with them.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Tom Mahoney currently serves as the Superintendent of Oregon Community Unit School District located in Northern Illinois.  As an educator, Tom has served as a secondary math teacher, coach, building administrator, and Assistant Superintendent. His experiences as a teacher, serving a diverse student population, continue to guide his advocacy for equity and whole child education in his administrative roles.

  •  Lead, Grow, Serve. “I take me with me wherever I go,” he says. “So if I’m not making me better, things aren’t going to get better.”
  • Stephen Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
  • Leadership is a great opportunity to help others.
  • My job on earth is not to find happiness but to serve others and that leads to happiness.
  • How do we define priorities for the crises we face.
  • People are constantly reactive.
  • Constantly in crisis.
  • First take care of yourself, don’t worry about the “urgent”.
  • Invite that person out of that place.
  • Nobody is staying in crisis because they want to be there. They just don’t know how to get out of it.
  • Acknowledging that if you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will do it.
  • Build relationships around shared beliefs.
  • Are you open to…
  • Invite, then be ready to solve the problem.
  • Self-care
  • The Helper - put the person who always says yes to be part of that.
  • Disgruntled - things never go well.
  • I was the only common denominator in every situation
  • I take me with me wherever I go.
  • People who feel guilty for saying no.
  • Help them build boundaries.
  • I thought interest in topics were innate. Didn’t know you could choose curiosity.
  • Couldn’t read, couldn’t sit still.
  • They invested in me, and held me accountable to a higher standard.
  • I realized that learning was a choice.
  • Things I was afraid of, I became excited about.
  • It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.
  • Self-direction and whole child education.
  • I don’t weight any four areas higher than others.
  • What I found was that kids were graduating and they couldn’t survive.
  • Educate students to be lifelong learners who are productive and responsible citizens.
  • Nothing is more frightening to me than the child who is good at school.
  • They can take control of their own learning.
  • They have all the skill
  • New staff members: Mission driven, Fail, be responsible for the culture you create.
  • Created opportunity for teachers to the
  • how to be a transformative principal? Future self, tomorrow I will… Do something intentionally daily or weekly to make myself as good as I can be.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Katharine Birbalsingh is the founder and head of Michaela Community School. She and her staff wrote the book, “Michaela: the Power of Culture” which you can find anywhere books are sold.

  • Michaela is a different kind of school.
  • High standards of discipline - silent corridors
  • Knowledge is our goal in the classroom
  • Why don’t people do things to get the results - People are critical of just focusing on the test.
  • Public appreciation during family lunches.
  • What tests should be like.
  • Cutting the crap - kids usually learn in pretty much the same way.
  • We’ve assumed that the differences of the subject also apply to the differences of the students.
  • Personalized learning is where we disagree.
  • Teachers don’t spend all their time chasing naughty behavior.
  • Teachers aren’t inventing what they teach, they’re sharing and pulling them.
  • How to plan ahead, making sure people have time to do that.
  • No support staff, so there are fewer staff
  • Turn down teachers for doing things for five kids.
  • Personalized learning -
  • The power of saying no.
  • Most staff want to be heard
  • I seek out the ideas of staff all the time.
  • I depend on you to tell me when they
  • Bribing people to tell me what is wrong.
  • You’ve got to inspire people and win hearts and minds.
  • Sorting out behavior - start with the small things. You need consistency throughout your schools.
  • You’re pretending that kids are learning when they’re not in a progressive classroom.
  • Small c conservative vs. progressive approaches.
  • Personal responsibility, duty to community, Dressing well, having a sense of decency about yourself.
  • Having pride in yourself for the right reasons.
  • Far too much negativity.
  • Gratitude.
  • They see themselves as victims.
  • Free schools started only in 2010.
  • I remember what I’m in it for.
  • How to be a transformative principal? You’ve got to have courage. You have to not mind being disliked. You must never think I want people to be happy.
  • Do the right thing.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Transformative Principal 366

Social Media: He threw a rock at the building and I thought we were done! Via Kevin Stinehart

Kevin Stinehart is in his ninth year teaching in a South Carolina Title 1 Arts Magnet School. Last month he won Teacher of the Year for his district, and he is currently in the running for South Carolina State Teacher of the year. His school made headlines 2 years ago when it became the first school in South Carolina to create an after-school Play Club under his leadership. Kevin is passionate about treating students as holistic people and recognizing the social and emotional needs of students as paramount to their success inside and outside of the classroom.

  • Why is play so important? 
  • In order for Social0emotional learning to be effective, it must be done in the moment.
  • Play club doesn’t cut into classroom - free daycare.
  • I’m not here
  • Parents agree to some expectations.
  • Turning things over to kids if they have problems.
  • Kids solve their own problems.
  • He threw a rock at the building and I thought we were done!
  • After play club, he never got a referral again.
  • School district really supports free play.
  • 45 minutes of work 15 of play all day long.
  • District leadership team meetings even have this model.
  • Our brain needs a break.
  • How are you finding opportunities for kids to play with coronavirus? 
  • I heard you increased recess time at your school. Tell me how that happened.
  • Wellness is baked into their standards.
  • Play club before and after school
  • Parent perception.
  • Start small, it takes no money and no preparation.
  • How to be a transformative principal? She takes a “let’s try it” approach.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal