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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal


Robyn Bagley is a former principal of Career Path High. She is now consulting now and working with Heather Staker on a project for Acton Academy. She is also chair of Parents for Choice in Education, located in Utah. You can email her here

  • Acton Academy is an amazing model.
  • Over 8,000 applications to start their own. How do we replicate that?
  • How to approve partners and facilitate the success of their schools.
  • How do you help kids not blow everything off?
  • In a traditional model, we’ve removed all the opportunities to have kids lead.
  • The first thing to think about is how to empower students.
  • It kills their love for learning.
  • You need to empower students.
  • The second thing is to set up processes for accountability.
  • It’s ok to fail as long as you are failing forward.
  • Every student had a success coach with whom they met every week.
  • Accountability: consequences like losing freedom and stopping college courses.
  • Support: You must have good support systems in place. Lots of processes in place to help them stay on pace and set their goals.
  • Three legs of a stool: Parents, students, school (teachers and administrators)
  • We never apologize for bothering you with communication
  • Four: give them something to be excited about in their pathway: i.e., have your certification when you finished school.
  • The light came back on.
  • The success coach was the real piece of accountability each week. Success coach had constant communication with parents, too.
  • Give recognition with accountability.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Collaborate with your team!
  • Changing the culture from top-down directives to a collaborative culture.


New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Robyn Bagley is a former principal of Career Path High. She is now consulting now and working with Heather Staker on a project for Acton Academy. She is also chair of Parents for Choice in Education, located in Utah. You can email her here

  • The power of Networking with so many other people
  • Operating at 30,000 feet vs ground floor.
  • Policy vs. working in schools
  • Giving parents and kids options to have more control over their learning.
  • Statewide online learning
  • You don’t really understand the challenges until you are in the trenches.
  • First opportunity writing a charter.
  • How desperate parents are for control and choice in their education.
  • So many hoops to jump through.
  • There’s a lot of silliness out there that takes away your focus on the kids.
  • Issues that exist on the ground floor.
  • Administrative and clerical work to satisfy reporting.
  • Having the information in the system.
  • Kids not required to be there, and balancing what the law required and what was good for kids.
  • When you start to run into problems, be vocal to your elected officials.
  • You can still give good things to kids even in the system.
  • It’s teachers and a principal who is the change agent
  • Top-down dictation makes it hard for people to innovate.
  • Sharing of ideas in a collaboration is necessary!


Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Naphtali Hoff is an educational consultant and coach who helps school leaders solve their biggest problems. impacfulcoaching.com/epic

  • Understaffing is a mindset issue.
  • They work harder to make up for it.
  • Underestimate their own leadership impact.
  • We have so much power within us.
  • Develop a sustainable process where they are leading through their
  • Expect, Pull together, Influence, Communicate
  • Expect - Set clear targets so that everyone is focused and engaged.
  • Pull together - Pull your team together and connect them deeply to the mission.
  • Influence - Influence and lead those around you.
  • Communicate - Communicate clearly and openly.


Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Matt Shea is the Matt portion of Personalized Learning with Matt and Courtney, a podcast about, well, personalized learning. It is one of my favorite new podcasts and you can find it at plearnmc.com or in your favorite podcast player of choice!

  • Matt is a district administrator in Maine
  • Courtney is an instructional coach in Maine
  • Worked in Maine for his whole career
  • 10 schools in five communities
  • Goal: set up same systems in schools - it didn’t work
  • tenets of learning: applied learning
  • How do we design that culture so that there’s a balance between kids taking advantage of their own learning and teachers providing a range of options?
  • What teachers can provide in their place
  • What works for you?
  • District administrator as more of a support role
  • Talk about the tenets a lot.
  • “Cultivating hope in all learners”
  • Culture is a number 1 thing for all of us.
  • Designing a culture that involves the learners in their learning
  • Progression of learning
  • Social grade levels not academic grade levels
  • Place students on an academic progression where they are, and help them move forward.
  • Continuous flexible grouping - School building and schedules create a challenge for them.
  • Tried to do schedules in all the same way.
  • 15:16 We are the problem. We are the ones that have all the issues!
  • How do we get adults to be more like kids?
  • What’s our ultimate goal?
  • Guiding principles: They’ll find that information when they need it!
  • Interview with Seth Godin
  • You don’t really fail, you just are where you are.
  • It’s not just about the 80% of our kids that will do well no matter what, but about all the students
  • When she’s ready to take the next step, she’ll be ready for it.
  • End College Career Readiness
  • Many teachers have been teachers only.
  • The “real world“ is something different to everyone.
  • Provide kids with the skills and attitudes.
  • How to be a transformative leader? Design a culture in your building where it is ok to fail in a positive way. Failing upward. Failing forward. Take away some of the negative aspects of what school is.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal


Tom Hoerr retired after leading the New City School in St. Louis, Missouri, for 34 years and is now the emeritus head of school. He teaches at the University of Missouri St. Louis and holds a PhD from Washington University in St. Louis he has written four books more than 100 articles including the “Principal Connection” column in ASCD’s Educational Leadership.

  • Multiple intelligences school
  • Formative five as interpersonal and intrapersonal.
  • Developing it within themselves.
  • The schoolhouse at midnight
  • Trophy case - Plaque, most improved attendance.
  • How does what you have on your wall recognize all the students in your school?
  • Jethro’s attendance improvement TED talk
  • Multiple levels of recognition.
  • Level 1: Talk about it. Joyful Learning.
  • Level 2: Ask kids about how they used these skills over the weekend.
  • Level 3: Create rubrics by which we can measure kids’ success skills.
  • Teachers choose their own groups. Teachers can quickly create rubrics for measuring these success skills.
  • It helps kids reflect on the varying levels of performance.
  • Help kids take ownership of their learning.
  • Interview with Michael Shapiro about his school where they use PSS skills
  • How to be a transformative principal? We need a dialogue with our faculty. Don’t do the formative five to kids, do it with kids!
  • by the time we move forward, every teacher believes as fervently as I do.
  • trhoerr@newcityschool.org

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal


@AllysonApsey is the author of the book “The Path To Serendipity”

  • This book is my heart poured out onto paper.
  • Embracing all of the things we go through.
  • Stumbling on the fortunes of all the experiences we go through.
  • William Glasser’s Choice theory
  • Need language to figure out how to communicate about that.
  • This book for all people.
  • Serendipity - The three princes of serendip
  • There are beautiful things in every experience we go through.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Be right where you are.


New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal