Balancing the law and doing whats right for kids with Robyn Bagley Transformative Principal 227
Sunday, May 20, 2018 by jethrojones
Robyn Bagley is a former principal of Career Path High. She is now consulting now and working with Heather Staker on a project for Acton Academy. She is also chair of Parents for Choice in Education, located in Utah. You can email her here
- The power of Networking with so many other people
- Operating at 30,000 feet vs ground floor.
- Policy vs. working in schools
- Giving parents and kids options to have more control over their learning.
- Statewide online learning
- You don’t really understand the challenges until you are in the trenches.
- First opportunity writing a charter.
- How desperate parents are for control and choice in their education.
- So many hoops to jump through.
- There’s a lot of silliness out there that takes away your focus on the kids.
- Issues that exist on the ground floor.
- Administrative and clerical work to satisfy reporting.
- Having the information in the system.
- Kids not required to be there, and balancing what the law required and what was good for kids.
- When you start to run into problems, be vocal to your elected officials.
- You can still give good things to kids even in the system.
- It’s teachers and a principal who is the change agent
- Top-down dictation makes it hard for people to innovate.
- Sharing of ideas in a collaboration is necessary!
Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!
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