Ross Purdy Dean of Students at The Fay School in Houston.

  • How can I best grab their hearts first?
  • Want what’s best and care for them.
  • 3rd year at Fay
  • Being present
  • asking questions, listening.
  • Come in with a clean slate.
  • I’m a goer and a a doer.
  • Outdoor education program.
  • With some students you have to earn the right to have their world opened up to you.
  • 3.5 acres of forest that sits on the buffalo bayou.
  • Start outdoor ed classes with team building.
  • the power of the circle - inclusive
  • Responsive classroom
  • Everyone is seen.
  • how to be a transformative principal? so easy to go down your checklist for the day and focus on your own stuff. Go out of your way to connect with kids.
  • Take a time out from your personal agenda and be present


Transformative Principal Mastermind

Lead a school everyone can be proud of.

Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books. Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English. Learn more at

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