Celebrating the Holidays with Rob Carroll Transformative Principal 104
Sunday, December 27, 2015 by jethrojones
Principal of South Heights Elementary in his 20th year. Rob doesn’t just look at his students currently, he has a much bigger vision of what they can accomplish and how they can make life better forever. Rob keeps in contact with kids who went to The 1199 many years ago and makes sure that they can still find ways to be successful.
- Special things you do during Christmas for your schools
- You can be an awesome combination of tradition and innovation.
- We celebrate all of our holidays.
- We take all of our kids to a movie.
- Santa’s Treasure Island Mall!
- Most schools going away from all this extra stuff, and it seems you are going toward it full steam ahead!
- Work hard, play hard, succeed!
- Neighborhood Christmas parade.
- Go big or go home.
- How has the community changed since you’ve been doing these things?
- This school not prison, so let’s make it enjoyable.
- Big ideas are going to happen. People are willing to go out and make it happen.
- People are willing to come in and do extra as well.
- Expensive endeavors require the community to buy in.
- People like to be part of something bigger than themselves.
- People look at their budget and try to see what they can do, and that is the wrong way, they need to find their ideas and make their budget work how they need it.
- We do lots of recruiting to find the right people.
- Non traditional interview methods.
- Kids interview them first.
- All about getting inside their head. Interested in what they think.
- We want people that want to be at South Heights.
- We can’t handle mediocre.
- There’s no better identifier of authenticity than the kids.
- Kids interview applicant, teacher support interviews kids to see what they think.
- If you can’t handle being interviewed by a bunch of kids, you might not be able to handle 30 kindergarteners.
- How to be a transformative principal? You’ve got to understand it is not about you, it is about them. It is about building people up.
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