Scott Beebe is the founder of My Business on Purpose where he teaches business leaders to be be successful. He also teaches families how to create a family vision mission and value at Create a Family Vision.

  • Standard Core Values - Respect, honesty, integrity, etc.
  • What are your unique core values? Top 10 words that describe you well. Three, four, or five key words.
  • You want people to ask you that question about what your core values means.
  • Run every decision through the filtration of core values.
  • Core values are the curbs on the side of the road to get to your destination.
  • Transference of knowledge,
  • Systems - Free the leader up to not be the technician anymore.
  • Hub for communication for all of the stuff you’re doing.
  • Weekly meeting.
  • How to find time?
  • Block off time to work on vision.
  • Bring somebody in to walk you through the process.
  • How to be a transformative Principal? 1. Block out time and ask what we will look like in 3–5 years. 2. Decide if you really want to do this, recognize that something will change.

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Scott Beebe is the founder of My Business on Purpose where he teaches business leaders to be be successful. He also teaches families how to create a family vision mission and value at Create a Family Vision.

  • Being a pastor is like being a leader anywhere else.
  • We want to change their hearts.
  • What are those things?
  • Vision Story - Vision statement is pretty pointless. Vision story is what is exciting.
  • It’s ok for people to not be into the vision.
  • Hiring. Need to give them the vision. Not hiring on a whim.
  • Shareholder letter from Jeff Bezos
  • Mission Statement - Not some catchy thing that sounds good.
  • Highlight key action words in vision story. The mission statement is what drives you to get out of bed. It is the vision story in summary.
  • Unique to who you are.
  • 15 words max, memorizable.
  • What is unique about your school? Use that to your advantage.
  • What do we want our family to look like in 5–10 years? That will affect what our school looks like.
  • What do we want our students to look like 28 years from now?
  • “We exist to…” Mission statement
  • “I see…” Vision story

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

In this episode this week, we are listening to some principals share their core values as a result of what they did as an activity as part of "The Principal 50" book club. I hope you enjoy it. 



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Best Tools for Busy Administrators Survey


New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Today I am honored to interview Kimberly Miles about our Mastermind Group. If you're interested in the Mastermind, please visit to set up a call with me to join the mastermind.

  • Narrow my focus to prioritize what I value and what is most
  • Hold myself accountable
  • Bounce ideas off like-colleagues
  • Reflective
  • Recommend it for those who are looking to refine your practice.
  • Do your work at a more effective level.
  • Narrow down to your priorities.
  • Worth the time and money because I am investing in myself. We serve others so much, and this allows me to focus on improving myself, too!
  • Not just about hard data, but also about soft data. Stories that students bring with them are just as relevant.
  • Strengths finder and helps me Look at areas I could refine or enhance.

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Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.

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Download Paperless Principal.  


Sponsor: Sanebox

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Best Tools for Busy Administrators Survey


New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal