View From the Top with Aaron Walker Transformative Principal 1003
Tuesday, May 30, 2017 by jethrojones
Aaron Walker is without question a veteran entrepreneur. Starting his first business at 18 and selling to a Fortune 500 company nine short years later demonstrates Aaron’s passion for succeeding. Unwilling to rest on past success Aaron started, bought and sold twelve successful companies over the past 38 years. Having a strong desire for personal development has kept Aaron in a weekly mastermind group for more than a decade with Dave Ramsey, Dan Miller, Ken Abraham and seven other notable Nashvillians. Aaron has enjoyed a 37-year marriage with his beautiful wife, Robin. Today Aaron spends the majority of his time HELPING MEN GROW IN SUCCESS AND SIGNIFICANCE as President and Founder of VIEW FROM THE TOP, a premier life and business coaching resource. Aaron’s new book, View From The Top is guaranteed to motivate and inspire you to live a successful and significant life. Also, Aaron is the Co-Author of The Mastermind Blueprint endorsed by many including Seth Godin. Aaron has a vibrant history that guarantees to inspire you to reach heights you never dreamed possible.
- Aaron Walker
- Started working in a pawn shop at 13 years old.
- View from the Top book - June 20th.
- How people can live a successful and significant life.
- Ran over and killed a pedestrian.
- Giving away interviews and some other stuff.
- How to continue to grow and be better.
- Happiness is a choice, not a trait.
- Going from Poor to successful.
- Mom wouldn’t allow us to say can’t.
- Can’t couldn’t do it, but could did it all.
- Fear missing an opportunity more than you fear failure.
- You either succeed, or you learn. Don’t fear failure.
- “You can’t do that.“ No, you mean you can’t do that!
- Great purpose makes it so nothing can hold us back.
- Teachers have a huge impact on students.
- I believe in you.
- It’s no different than any other profession, care.
- Neely’s Bend Middle Prep.
- Be authentic and genuine. The Power of Habit
- Fully Alive
- Do the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with and that will be your life.
- How bitterness stifles creativity.
- Balance is impossible.
- Prioritizing your priorities.
Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!
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