<p>I’ve got three big announcements this week! </p>
<li>My AP is moving away! So sad. That means there is a job opening at my school to be an Assistant Principal! <a href="https://www.k12northstar.org/Page/1993?category=Administration&AppliTrackJobId=6835&AppliTrackLayoutMode=detail&AppliTrackViewPosting=1">Check it out here</a>! The post closes May 6th.</li>
<li>Transformative Leadership Summit 2018! Get your ticket <a href="http://transformativeleadershipsummit.com">here</a>! Tons of interviews! Our focus is empowerment.</li>
<li>Announcing a K–12 magnet. If you want more information and want to be part of the conversation, enter your email here.</li>
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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal