Give it a Go with Colin Andrews Transformative Principal 041

Part 2 of my interview with Colin Andrews.

  • How Colin hires great teachers
  • Colin doesn’t ask any interview questions, he just listens to his VPs ask all the questions.
  • An online form for parents to fill out student’s absences.
  • How Colin inspires people to be the best they can be and ensure students have global, authentic connections.
  • Sister schools in China, Korea, Japan, mainland USA and Kodiak, AK.
  • How he gets connections with other schools in the country.
  • How he took the school from $800 in the bank when he started to $200K for materials and PD.
  • Global connections so kids can think about how to talk to kids across the ocean.
  • Goal to connect each class to two overseas classrooms.
  • Picks books relevant to his locale’s native culture and other native cultures in the other schools and share them with the students.
  • How Colin started connecting with the schools he partners with now (No mention of Twitter!)
  • How to be a transformative principal: Open doors for other people. “Give it a Go”
  • What keeps him going: his grandchildren.
  • Connect with Colin


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