Evaluation with Caring with Sam LeDeaux Transformative Principal 037
Monday, September 1, 2014 by jethrojones
Part two of my interview with Sam LeDeaux. You’re going to love it. Here is his blog
- How to balance the need for caring about the teacher with meeting the demands of the state and evaluation system. Evaluation in two simple steps
- Perspective of evaluation “your performance” vs. “service to kids”.
- I want teachers to invite me in for lessons that could go any way and possibly be really different.
- Leaders, strive to be the weak link
- How Twitter has changed his practice. Parents want to observe the classroom to ensure they like what is happening only when you are not transparent.
- Dedicating entire days to being in classrooms, while still managing requirements of his job. The more I am out and about, the less things there will be that pin me in my office. Goal: 8 full days in the class per month.
- Sharing what he learns and fails at with the staff.
- Inspiring Twitterers: @gcouros @justintarte @8amber8, chats, and anyone who is willing to share something is really inspiring.
- How to be a transformative principal: be patiently perseverant.
- What inspires him: his son, is he meeting his son’s expectations for school, because all his students are his sons and daughters!
Transformative Principal on Stitcher
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