Owning Vs. Leading with Dan Kelley Transformative Principal 197

  • Owning vs. leading
  • Pushed change a little too fast.
  • Get teachers to drive initiatives.
  • Can’t own it. The teachers have to.
  • Biggest change - using grades for compliance
  • It takes a lot of time to have the conversations relating to grading.
  • Using alternative ways of assessing kids.
  • NASSP’s mission and goals as a national support organization.
  • Non-profit boards are struggling to have members.
  • Mentor told Dan he needed to join NASSP for the insurance.
  • Have to change the member benefit.
  • We need to be more than just insurance.
  • Advocacy - need to have someone there to advocate for the needs of schools and principals.
  • Opportunities for advancing leadership. McKinsey Management Program for School Leaders
  • 19,000 members in NASSP. 100% of Rhode Island principals are involved in NASSP
  • Grading and assessment is the biggest conversation.
  • NASSP Conference in Chicago
  • How to be a transformative principal? Expand your network and get out of the little silos that we are in.


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