Now Were Talking with Justin Baeder Transformative Principal 1041
Thursday, October 12, 2017 by jethrojones
Justin Baeder, of the Principal Center
As instructional leaders there is no better way to lead than to be in classrooms.
It is tough to find time and make it into classrooms.
Being in classrooms that much sounds ridiculous and impossible.
Start small.
Just show up.
* #everyclassroom challenge, be in every classroom within a 5-day period.
* Build up the practice over a period of cycles.
* Just keep track of the order you visit people in, and visit them
* Systems to keep track of visits.
* Write the date you visit on their note card.
* Repertoire - app for keeping track of visits.
* The way we schedule to get into our classrooms is important.
* The way of doing it must fit your style.
* Buy the Book: Now We’re Talking
Special Interview about writing a book. Get the interview here
* How long it took.
* What to get clear on.
* How to determine what belongs in this book and doesn’t.
* How to sell your idea to the readers and publishers.