Amy McDonald helps kids have a strong web of support

  • Working with kids vs doing work for kids.
  • Developmental ecology of a youth
  • Strengths-based
  • Lots of training for teachers and youth.
  • Prince Wales Island in Alaska
  • Eat sleep and work in gyms.
  • 70 kids and 20 adults. 3 day lock in events
  • Brightways Learning runs Phlight Club.
  • Descriptions of the ROYGBIV story from the link above.
  • Red – The Rule of Five: The foundation for a personal village for each youth by five caring adults (or more,) having high expectations and providing opportunities, teaching skills, and celebrating relative best in appropriate ways.
  • Orange – Tangible Strings: Measurable supports provided through the anchors that shape the home, school, and community environment of each youth.
  • Yellow – Intangible Strings: Important, yet difficult to measure, beliefs, values, and behaviors that are being taught to and caught by the youth.
  • Green – Resiliency/Growing the Balloon: These DNA based characteristics and talents that increase the likelihood that the youth will remain connected to any web that they are given. How are you smart rather than how smart are you? Grit optimism, how am I smart, gender, wonder gene.
  • Blue – Scissor Cuts/Problem Reduction: Decreasing or eliminating the conditions, actions, and attitudes that erode the supports being created by the adult anchors.
  • Indigo – Caring for the Carers: Supporting those who anchor the web so they do not drop out of their lives even when circumstances in their own lives change.
  • Violet – Social Norms: The climate and culture of the social environment (home, school, and/or community) that have been accepted or agreed upon by a critical number of adults.

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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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