Andrew Burnett is a veteran teacher of Math who took a few years to do research, and is back in the classroom making a big splash with going gradeless.

  • Study measuring the effect of immediate feedback and whether it helps kids learn. It does.
  • Change is hard.
  • How to help educators change.
  • Why Andrew made the change when he came back to the classroom.
  • Teachers going Gradeless.
  • Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler
  • Student Self-assessments, engaging math.
  • Isn’t every kid going to say they deserve an A?
  • Show me what you can do - low stakes, no grade.
  • We spend a lot more time on student “show me what you can do’s“
  • Give specific details on what they did well and what they did not do well.
  • Not grading assignments, but giving feedback on learning.
  • No grades go on the papers.
  • They were no longer looking for a grade.
  • Evidence vs. completion
  • Seesaw online portfolio
  • Workload decreased in some areas and increased in other areas.
  • Worst-case scenario is I could go through all their work and give them a grade if I needed to.
  • Learning opportunity vs. homework.
  • Many of these grades had no indication of whether students understood the concepts!
  • Students complete learning opportunities on assistments.
  • Check-ins vs. Grade book accountability.
  • Why did I not learn this sooner?
  • Teachers say they have to have a minimum number of grades.
  • Need support around you.
  • Letter to parents.
  • Other barriers: fear of change.
  • It’s ok to wait for the new year to start.

Doesn’t this mean that kids never show anything because they aren’t getting a grade for it?


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