Joe Wehbe, 26 years old (I’ll be 27 by the time of this interview) and from Sydney Australia. 2016-2019 - Co-Director of a nonprofit building schools and providing employment in Nepal, called From the Ground Up. Author of 18 & Lost? So Were We with seven other co-authors. Co-founded the Constant Student Community in 2021

  • Friend started Nepal opportunity
  • People never do step 1 so they won't do step 2,3,4.
  • Gatekeepers are gone
  • When you go out on your own, you become a leader.
  • Momentum is seductive.
  • Life wasn't bad enough that I wanted to change it.
  • 1page summary of Atomic Habits
  • how to deal with momentum.
  • As of late 2021 we are also creating the beta of the ‘Intentional Gap Year’
  • Opportunity costs or the cost of inaction
  • Prompt - makes you change
  • Getting proactive when you have a break.
  • Human potential is unknowable.
  • Four tragedies.
  • The third door book
  • How to be a Transformative principal? Be open minded about what education can look like.


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