Facing History in Ourselves with Henry Turner Transformative Principal 089
Sunday, September 13, 2015 by jethrojones
Henry Turner is a fantastic principal doing some great things at Bedford High School outside Boston. He blogs at Leadingtolearn.
- Implementing iPad initiative.
- Focus on creating iPad content.
- Fundraising
- Upstander anti-bullying program. Facing History in Ourselves.
- Asking curious questions.
- Kids create public service announcements with their iPads.
- Achievement gap strategies.
- Data teams
- Putting kids in levels, but not tracking them.
- Conversations and district support.
- The Calculus Project.
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Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.
Show notes on TransformativePrincipal.com
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