DOK Instructional Rounds with Doug Timm Transformative Principal 098
Sunday, November 15, 2015 by jethrojones
Doug Timm is the principal of Carrie Downie Elementary School
- First principalship - innovative technology, focus on standards.
- Modern Teacher, Instructional Rounds. Cognitive growth targets (Bloom’s taxonomy)
- Think beyond comprehension and recall.
- What is the teacher doing and assigning?
- 6 different centers, but all 6 focused on retrieving and comprehending.
- How can we focus on more than the two basic levels?
- Charlotte’s Web in the city takes it up a level.
- Not all we are looking at, but major focus on tasks.
- I need to change what I am asking them to do to get them where I want them to be.
- Importance of how kids think. Why we need to make sure our kids are thinking beyond comprehending.
- Have to practice those skills.
- I don’t make inferences in observations anymore.
- Talk to kids during the observation. Sitting at a desk with the kids.
- Coaches (2) and Doug are assigned to teachers
- Teacher Name, Task, Where it falls in blooms taxonomy.
- What can you do to be a transformative principal? Walk around the building and see what focus you want to have: technology, literacy, math, student ownership. What do we have and how do we get to where we want to be? Keep the focus. There’s no end game.
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