Mastermind with Terri Walker Transformative Principal 126

It's time to fill the Mastermind! I'm opening up some slots for the mastermind. Now's your chance to get in and experience what Terri has experienced. I can't wait for you to join! a href="">So, click here to set up a call!

Terri Walker is the Principal of Buckland School in Buckland Alaska. She is also a member of the transformative mastermind. Today, she shares her experience in the mastermind.

  • Felt stagnant after 25 years in education, thought about retiring.
  • Mastermind was breath of fresh air.
  • Goals help you focus on things that matter.
  • Ability to talk about what matters to us, and how we can work together to solve them.
  • It does take some out of my income but it is worth it.
  • This is something I need right now. I need the motivation and support of the mastermind.
  • I would encourage anyone old or new to seek [this mastermind] group and it would be beneficial.

If you’re thinking about joining the mastermind, click here to set up a call and let’s talk about getting you the support you need to be your best!

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Livonia Michigan

Suburban district with 300 students, 16,000 in district
Pre-K–4th. 5 years, 21 years in 14 years as a principal

@jon_wennstrom teacher blog parent blog

  • PBIS rules are umbrella for 7 habits of highly effective kids.
  • Home grown project for 7 habits.
  • District is very invested in character education.
  • 8 character traits for entire district.
  • Fundamental belief that character education is vital.
  • Empowering students rather than engaging them - George Couros
  • Not another thing on the plate, it is the plate.
  • Building fundamental skills: collaboration, perseverance, grit, skills that will serve them in any location, any job, or any group of people they are with.
  • Parent says “my child came home and my family needs to be more proactive.”
  • Move beyond the vocabulary, but our words do count.
  • What about parents being more responsible of teaching values and school teaching content?
  • Public Service Announcements. Hearing is great, but seeing is even more powerful.
  • PSAs are emailed out and other teachers create videos and share internally.
  • Student-led announcements. Scripted for students.
  • Quote of the week.
  • What book they are currently reading.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Read and connect!
  • Most of my best ideas were not my ideas!

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Livonia Michigan

Suburban district with 300 students, 16,000 in district
Pre-K–4th. 5 years, 21 years in 14 years as a principal

@jon_wennstrom teacher blog parent blog

PBIS school, 7 Habits of highly effective students, Positive phone calls, student led announcements, PSAs. Class Dojo, 23% ELLs Wall feature.

  • School-wide meetings.
  • PBIS school.
  • Monthly, student of the month meetings.
  • Stephen Covey’s 7 habits
  • 3 to be pledge, respectful, responsible, safe
  • Poster contests for that
  • 90–95% parent attendance rate for kids who are students of the month.
  • Weekly meeting.
  • Sunrise and sunset meetings.
  • Goal: build community
  • Sean Gallard #celebrateMonday meetings
  • Doesn’t a weekly meeting take away a lot of instructional time?
  • Increase time-on-task
  • Support staff who help K students get ready.
  • Videos for students, less than 3 minutes.
  • Perseverance,
  • Stephen Covey’s 7 habits for highly effective kids
  • Art teacher creates a canvas to help students showcase their work.
  • Importance of including parents.
  • Positive phone calls on a daily basis.
  • Class dojo process - classroom wall (like a Facebook wall).
  • Parent program for Love and Logic.
  • Process for parent phone calls.
  • 66 day challenge
  • Youth making a difference

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal use it for chats–it works really well.

Check out this cool minute-long video about how it works. View a longer webinar about participate learning.

  • Everything in there is based on conversations that Brad has with users.
  • Chats are great, but how do you pay attention to everything that you learned from it?
  • Calendar of chats
  • Create collections from chats in the time period.
  • Create collections and share with others.
  • Schools and district hashtags can be involved in this as well to share their resources.
  • Participate as a social network.
  • How to be a transformative Principal: Have a growth mindset and empower everyone in your building.
  • @participatelearn @spirrison


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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

This is part 2 of my interview with Susie Wise. Susie has had multiple incarnations at the – teaching EX-Tools back in the trailer days, launching the K12 Lab in 2007 with the Nueva School Innovation Lab project, and jumpstarting Media Ops and Hootenanny design for the inauguration of Building 550 in 2008–2010. Back again in 2012 she is leading our efforts to support the movement bringing design thinking into K12 teaching and learning. Susie stumbled upon design thinking when she took a course with David Kelley in 2003 and the experience helped her make sense of the universe. Susie is motivated by the simple belief that humans are by nature designers. Recently a design strategist and innovation coach at Intuit, her practice centers on inspiring teams to use empathy to get to innovative outcomes. Susie has a PhD in Learning Sciences and Technology Design from Stanford’s School of Education and is a co-founder of Urban Montessori Charter School in Oakland. She lives there with her husband and daughter (yes, the one in the movie Babies).

  • Design thinking process
  • New way to seek opportunities and problem solve.
  • Traditional Analytic ways of thinking: see a problem, come up with ideas, do a lot of planning
  • Empathize first, to see what they could see. Ask questions, immersion. Understand the space in a human centered way.
  • Define the problem once you have empathy.
  • Once you have framed what you’re going after, ideate.
  • Ideation is about separating idea formation from selection. Yes and vs Yes but.
  • Prototype - make bite-sized change.
  • Test it out in small spaces to see if you are on the right track in a human-centered way.
  • Do it rapidly. How quickly could you prototype and test your ideas?
  • Mine the failures for learning.
  • Questions to ask after empathy experience: Ask Why 5 times.
  • It can be scary to ask Why.
  • It is about people.
  • Somebody pulls out or somebody pulls rank.
  • Let’s run those prototypes.
  • Bias towards action.
  • Practice on hacking things that are not in school. Hack something in life.
  • Breaking it down into the smallest possible size to get quick wins.
  • Take on more complex tasks.
  • How to be a transformative principal? 1. Shadow a student and 2. put yourself in a different position than you have been in.

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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal