Habits of Highly Effective Kids with Jonathon Wennstrom Transformative Principal 125
Sunday, May 22, 2016 by jethrojones
Livonia Michigan
Suburban district with 300 students, 16,000 in district
Pre-K–4th. 5 years, 21 years in 14 years as a principal
sparkoflearning.blogspot.com teacher blog
http://wennstromweekly.blogspot.com parent blog
- PBIS rules are umbrella for 7 habits of highly effective kids.
- Home grown project for 7 habits.
- District is very invested in character education.
- 8 character traits for entire district.
- Fundamental belief that character education is vital.
- Empowering students rather than engaging them - George Couros
- Not another thing on the plate, it is the plate.
- Building fundamental skills: collaboration, perseverance, grit, skills that will serve them in any location, any job, or any group of people they are with.
- Parent says “my child came home and my family needs to be more proactive.”
- Move beyond the vocabulary, but our words do count.
- What about parents being more responsible of teaching values and school teaching content?
- Public Service Announcements. Hearing is great, but seeing is even more powerful.
- PSAs are emailed out and other teachers create videos and share internally.
- Student-led announcements. Scripted for students.
- Quote of the week.
- What book they are currently reading.
- How to be a transformative principal? Read and connect!
- Most of my best ideas were not my ideas!
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