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Assistant Principal Dr. Amy Fast explores the responsibility of our schools to focus on the mission, not the mandates.

  • Educators are humanitarians at heart
  • NCLB made me a better teacher, but it got warped
  • Focus vs. tunnel vision
  • Venn diagram of academic achievement, soft skills, and internal drive
  • Need everyone in schools to bring their A game every single day!
  • Need to measure every single circle
  • What we test gets taught
  • How do we measure that success?
  • Soft skills - measured through observation, should be part of curriculum.
  • Measuring motivation - identify the constructs of motivation: purpose, autonomy, choice, rigor
  • Student survey via google forms
  • Want to know more about you than just your test scores
  • Staff didn’t know them as individuals.
  • Non-anonymous survey. Coded the data
  • Created a high flyer list of kids who didn’t have a high connection to the school. 100 kids who were the most disconnected.
  • Hard to measure the intangibles? Just ask the kids!
  • Measuring the right things

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