Imagination Creativity Innovation and Entreprenuership with Don Wettrick Transformative Principal 159
Sunday, January 29, 2017 by jethrojones
Don Wettrick is a teacher in Noblesville, Indiana and founder of StartEdUp Innovation. He can be found on Twitter at @donwettrick, and his podcast on iTunes He is the author of “Pure Genius: Building a Culture of Innovation and Taking 20% Time to the Next Level”
- How to make standards real.
- Begin in Elementary school
- 2 negatives to this
- Grades go down in other classes!
- Kids can get full of themselves.
- Pockets of teachers vs. teachers being innovative vs. principals being innovative.
- How to get leaders to buy in.
- We need to push out the awesome things that we are doing in our schools.
- Is 20% time enough time?
- Imagination, Creativity, Innovation, Entrepreneurship.
- How to be a transformative principal? Go to people and say do something amazing.
- It gets worse before it gets better!
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