Dr. Stephen Sroka (Twitter grew up in poverty and is now an educator and keynote speaker. Be sure to check out his great YouTube page.

  • Drugs and alcohol exposure to kids.
  • Perceived risk of harm is minimized because of decriminalization.
  • Addiction rate doubles when kids use marijuana and alcohol in high school or before.
  • The reality is that you don’t know if it is a gateway drug.
  • Marijuana is not good for the adolescent brain.
  • If you get addicted to opiates in high school, you will likely relapse.
  • Focus on coping skills to help them deal with life.
  • Give kids options. What do you want to get high on?
  • Trauma-informed strategies for students.
  • Predictors of success: when every staff member learns every student’s name.
  • If you don’t have relationships, kids won’t trust you and kids won’t do what you ask.
  • What can we do to be a transformative Principal? Know kids by name. Honest, humor, hope. Look and Listen. Smile and Say Hi to everyone.

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