Building adult skills to support trauma-impacted youth with Teri Barila Transformative Principal 178
Sunday, June 11, 2017 by jethrojones
- This makes it too easy for kids. We coddle them.
- How did you learn resilience?
- Did you have an adult to help shape you into something better?
- Resilience - #1 strategy attachment to a caring adult.
- Bruce Perry - National Leader on trauma.
- Witnessed in their humanity
- How do we create that caring, supportive environment that supports that student when we are in the school environment.
- We can’t get hung up on the behavior.
- The problem is when we alienate because of the behavior.
- Understanding that any perception of loss of safety is potential for students to become disregulated.
- Trauma is the perception of loss of safety and connection, not just the ACES.
- Safety - not just physical safety. Moral safety and emotional safety - see more from Sandra Bloom
- How to deal with the response, “This takes too much time.”
- Calm room is not punishment.
- Schools can’t do this alone.
- “My Piece Matters”
- Won’t kids take advantage of that? Teachers notice that.
- Every child wants to do well.
- Do we teach them through a punishment mode or regulatory mode.
- Building adult skills to support trauma-impacted youth.
- Emotional Hygiene
- How to be a transformative principal? Dig into understanding of hardwired response system in the brain. Kids aren’t out to get you, they just don’t know how to manage themselves.
- Self-Reg Stewart Shanker
- By Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence
- Starts with understanding that each of us can help create a safe environment.
- Nurturance is reparative and restorative.
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