* How to make certain that teacher leaders have support and training to be leaders.
* Instructional Leadership Team - sole focus, making sure that good instruction is happening in the school.
* How to identify instructional leaders in your school.
* [Innovator’s mindset MOOC](http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/6669)
* If someone is upset because you’re good, that’s not your problem.
* Experience doesn’t necessarily lead to instructional leadership.
* What we value in this school is instruction and instructional expertise.
* The role of the principal supervisor.
* Teams of principals visit a classroom and talk about the instruction that they saw.
* Asking parents about what they think about instruction.
* Adjusting instruction for teacher leaders.
* ESSA allows us to do creative things with the principals.
* Professional learning for administrators.
* How to enable teacher leaders to be successful.
* International models of education and how to allocate time for teachers.
* How to allocate time during the day.
* Maybe 180 minutes of reading time is not really necessary.
* How to be a transformative principal? Decide that you’re going to spend time every day in classrooms.

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