Gain empathy

  • Live day-to-day changes to scheduling.
  • Basic level of master scheduling.
  • Deeper level of how everything works in a school.
  • Real instructional minutes. Where people are and when.
  • How to learn about struggles that people have.
  • Hired a principal to help guide the decision.
  • worked with 1 school.
  • Then worked with many schools.
  • How to affect change in others’ lives.
  • Get to the next level of detail.
  • All changes to school require a holistic understanding of the impact.
  • How to be a Transformative Principal? Gain empathy.


Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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