Becoming the New Boss with Naphtali Hoff Transformative Principal 192
Sunday, September 17, 2017 by jethrojones
Naphtali Hoff is an executive coach, organizational consultant, trainer, writer & speaker.
- Teacher and school leader.
- Support principals in a way that he had been supported.
- Get his book, “Becoming the New Boss”
- Leadership vs. Management
- You need to manage processes. Leadership is another dimension.
- What is your priority and what is your main focus?
- You can delegate management.
- Leadership is getting people moving in a direction
- Leadership belongs to everyone in the building.
- Be a good listener, especially at the beginning.
- Good leaders are listeners.
- Demonstrate a willingness to listen and accept a culture.
- Find ways to make low-stakes, high-success wins.
- Rick Lavoie, earning chips.
- Need to go through change strategically.
- Consensus vs. agreement
- Data should drive the process.
- Initiating the process is good, but don’t go down the path if you’re not going to make the actual change.
Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!
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