Social Media 259: Students choose a topic they want to study, and ask the teacher to help them understand that culture’s values.

Joel Lavin is the principal of River Road / El Camino Del Rio

  • Teachers that put up welcome signs that were edgy.
  • Opinion piece following the vandalism.
  • Discussing racism head-on.
  • Being inclusive not exclusive
  • Equity committee that meets to discuss culture, morale, language barriers, etc.
  • Support students that are not documented immigrants, but make sure that their rights are preserved.
  • Students choose a topic they want to study, and ask the teacher to help them understand that culture’s values.
  • How the mastermind benefits Joel.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Get in a lot of steps to be out in your school!
  • Dual Language Principal Katherine

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Bilingual is Best with Joel Lavin Transformative Principal 258


Joel Lavin is the principal of River Road / El Camino Del Rio

  • Dual Language is much different.
  • Studied science and Spanish in college.
  • We as a nation are just starting to realize how important it is to speak another language.
  • Broca’s area
  • Families wanted to have their own language spoken in the school.
  • Family resource center
  • 2009 started as a dual language program
  • There were reluctant dual language program.
  • Change is hard.
  • Some staff members left.
  • Teachers are a major factor in school culture.
  • Talking and being out in the community is really important to help with a big cultural change.
  • Funds of knowledge community.
  • Parents’ values reflect what they want their kids to learn.

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  • Change school became a powerful space for people to have powerful conversations about school.
  • Change school brings a level of transparency and honesty that is really powerful.
  • Have an ongoing conversation with people who have similar ideas and understandings and have had experiences to make it possible.
  • People feel trusted inside this community.
  • It can be a difficult conversation about what modern learning should look like.
  • Constant learning is fascinating.
  • Tried to create some space for people to connect who don’t have room for that in their physical spaces.
  • It is very dependent on whether people are school leaders or something else.
  • The dark ages of change - leadership from the middle.
  • People who can be influencers - parents, students,
  • suddenly it’s not just about one teacher or one principal.
  • How to get parent and student feedback.
  • You often see yourself very isolated in a school.
  • People are looking for direct prompts and cues
  • So much of the educational conversation is led by journalists and politicians. We have to stop that.
  • People respond with a blank look to a blank slate because they don’t have the practice at it.
  • Modern Learners Lens
  • Existing schools - best vehicle for communication is your students.
  • We’ve conditioned kids to do what we say.
  • The notion of setting expectations.
  • If we’re going to shift the goalpost, we need to spend a lot of time talking to parents about the what and the why.
  • TED Podcast
  • Do we trust kids?
  • Four areas that we have to think hard about - Modern Learners Lens
  • Schools don’t know what they believe, they don’t articulate what they believe
  • Understand how literacy is changing.
  • Understand what is actually possible in schools now.
  • Peter Senge
  • Most change efforts are not grounded in those conversations.
  • Modern Learner Community
  • for more information
  • How to be a transformative principal?
  • Bruce: Engage more deeply in the spaces we already referred to.
  • Will: Have a willingness to see if you are actually doing what you believe in your classrooms!

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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synergy SOS


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drama synergy group


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synergy minty business


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Synergy Chess


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synergy TTL


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Synergy step


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Synergy yurt


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Synergy Ed Videos

Interviews about awesome synergy project: ed Videos

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Rachael and John George Both principals in Oregon share their experiences of turning around schools.

  • PreK involvement
  • Trauma-informed practices
  • Stronger voice for advocacy
  • Building strong relationships.
  • Can’t personalize learning unless you know about the kids!
  • Different levels for leaders learning at their own pace.
  • There needs to be customization because different people need different things.
  • Culturally responsive teaching and Trauma
  • How do people get involved?
  • Contact someone and say you want to be involved.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Get into classrooms and support teachers.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Rachael and John George Both principals in Oregon share their experiences of turning around schools.

  • The Three Amigos
  • Sandy Green Elementary School - lowest 10% of the schools. Working with a well-known publisher on reading and writing, and it wasn’t going as well as they thought!
  • Year 1 from 10%ile to 50%ile. Year 4 82%ile. With highest Free and Reduced lunch rate in the district.
  • Honed in on systems and structures
  • Full staff turnover in those four years.
  • 3-4 year plan
    1. First thing you need to do is establish relationships.
    1. You’ve got to be the examiner of systems and structures.
  • Identify holes in intervention and enrichment.
  • Each building has its own issues.
  • Three changes in the first year: 1. Slow 2. Integrated with content, but lost on the students 3. No engagement
  • Students were passively sitting there, while the teacher was doing all the heavy lifting.
  • Level of community involvement.
  • Need to do different because we are teaching different students.
  • How do we do different different?
  • It’s supposed to be hard.
    1. Be the filter: teach to cause a positive result.
  • Modified Danielson Rubric for evaluation. I can’t evaluate you in Domain 1 unless I see your lesson plans.
  • You can’t be good with what you do without a game plan.
  • Look at the standards and make them meaningful.
  • New teachers out perform due to effective lesson plans.
  • Need guidance and coaching and mentoring around lesson plans. Provides the opportunity for reflection in lesson plans and it makes them better as teachers.
  • Lesson plans provide feedback on Professional Development - if we can’t see it reflected in lesson plans.
  • Keeping your lesson plans to reflect on later.
  • Planning formative assessment.
  • CoTeach model - special education & ELL population
    1. Be in classrooms a lot.


Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Invitation Only Parent Teacher Conferences with Jay Posick Transformative Principal 254

Social Media: If you’re sitting in your office, trouble is going to come find you so you might as well go find it!

Jay Posick is principal of Merton Intermediate school in Merton Wisconsin

  • How our culture came to be here in Merton.
  • Weekly nuts and bolts emails “Good Morning Merton Family“
  • Take care of kids…
  • Connect with people face to face.
  • There aren’t silver bullets.
  • Get out of your office.
  • If you’re sitting in your office, trouble is going to come find you so you might as well go find it!
  • 3 all-staff meetings each year that I’m in charge of.
  • First agenda item on grade level meetings is kids.
  • There are times as educators where we focus more on the negative than on the positive
  • Recognize kids that are going above and beyond.
  • Be kind, be safe, do your job.
  • Good news call of the day. #mertonproud
  • Finding ways to recognize kids.
  • Find a way for teachers to share more with others.
  • Mark French came up with the idea.
  • Have a positive phone call at the end of the week.
  • Ordinary to you, amazing to everyone else.
  • Invitation only conferences
  • Pat on the back or a kick in the butt!
  • Building Leadership Team.
  • More on invitation only conferences.
  • Great things, challenges, great things.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Get out of your office!

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Hi, this is jethro, host of transformative principal! You can reach me @jethrojones on twitter or at

Today is episode 253 and I am so excited about what I am going to share.

My school is rocking and rolling in an amazing way! We are positively impacting kids not just academically, but socially, as well. It’s fantastic. In fact, I’m much more proud of our soft skills growth than I am of our academic success, because today, kids can learn anything anywhere!

Much of that growth is happening in Synergy, which I will talk about later.

But first, everyone is always asking, how do we get our schools to change. You’re listening to this podcast because that is what you want to know! In the fall listener survey there were about 90% of my listeners so far who said they wanted to learn more about the school change process.

Well, I’m going to tell you the secret.


Here’s my four-step process guaranteed to bring about school change:

  1. Vision
  2. Communication
  3. Empowerment of faculty, parents, and students
  4. Continuous improvement

First, vision. Where there is not vision there is death. Do you want to be “just another school?“ No! That’s why you’re listening to some guy in Alaska describe how his school has dramatically changed over the last 18 months

If you go back to episode 1001 of Transformative Principal you will see how we did a ton of stuff at my last school. The same is happening here, with one notable exception. Everything that we are doing is centered around a vision for personalized learning. If it doesn’t have to do with personalizing learning for our students, I don’t touch it.

Our vision is clear. We are going to give kids what they need when they need it. That is personalized learning.

Our vision is clear: if something doesn’t contribute to personalizing learning, we don’t waste time on it.

Whatever training we do goes back to personalizing learning for our students.

We have a ton of new stuff happening in our school this year. Why? Because we are personalizing learning.

Math - project-based learning
Science - switching between 7th and 8th grade teachers each quarter-long unit to give kids choice and voice in their learning.

So, let’s talk about how all these things happened.

Step 2: communication

When I got hired, I came up and met the staff at the end of the school year. I talked at length with a few of them, and started communicating over the summer more extensively. There was a lot going on.

When I got to the school, I met with every teacher I could to ask, “What should we start, stop, or continue doing?” I got a lot of feedback from that. There weren’t a lot of opportunities to talk with parents, yet, but those that I did shared some of their concerns. The biggest thing that I learned in my four months’ research was that there were a lot of problems. It was tough coming into the school.

I did a survey at the end of the school year, and when I asked a question about culture at the school, only 2 responses were something positive. All the others were negative. ALL the others were negative.

This was tough for me. As a side note, one of the ways you measure culture is through little things, like how many people sit together at district-wide professional development. At our PD on Monday, we had the biggest group we’ve had sitting together. It’s working.

We also had a school district strategic vision and big push from the school board and superintendent to personalize learning for our students, which is what I really wanted to do in education anyway!

After all this research, we needed a direction. Many teachers responded to another survey that they wanted to be known for something. They had different ideas, but they desperately wanted to be known for doing something that no other schools were doing.

So, with their input, I created a vision for where Tanana would go in four years.

Here it is: We would fulfill our school district’s strategic vision by becoming the most personalized school in the district.

I announced to the teachers at the start of the year and then reviewed it again. I help monthly meetings with parents to explain where we were going to go in the future.

Part of the challenge was that we would only have students for 2 years.

Step 3: empowerment of faculty, parents, and students

This one is really exciting. I could write a whole book about this!

In our four year plan, there are outlines, and there is room for growth. There is room for personal accountability.

I learned long ago that a leader’s job is not to cap the top end, but rather to help light a fire under someone else.

Through this process parents and students and teachers may feel like they have a little too much power. The reality is you always have that power. It’s ironic that this piece is called empowerment, when we take that power away ourselves and think that we need permission to do good things. We don’t.

Throughout this whole process, teachers and students have been given great latitude to make their own decisions and do things how they think is best. They are the people with the most information about what works for them, so why should I, as the principal, who doesn’t know a lot of what is going on, be making all the decisions.

I do my best to teach them good principles, and then I let them govern themselves accordingly.

One of the other things that I have learned is that if I am running the ship, when I turn my back the ship crashes. There are initiatives that are happening solely because I am in charge of them. This is a recipe for disaster! This will not continue if I am not working my tail off to make sure that happens. I need to distance myself from that so other people can take ownership.

Right now, synergy is in that camp. But it is a school-wide effort and not many people have the capacity or opportunity to see all that there is to be seen! Even still, I need to move that away from me, and give more opportunities to others.

*What is Synergy?

You’d probably call it project based learning. And that would be pretty accurate. But it’s not exactly that.

Synergy is a time for students to learn without limitations. Synergy is a time when students bring all their skills and knowledge together to do something that leaves an impact.

I made a little video to explain it to my students, and I’d like to share it here.

What makes synergy so awesome? It’s all driven by kids. They come up with the ideas. They do the work. Teachers are very much guides on the side supporting them. It’s so exciting to see what kids are creating.

I’m working on a list that shows everything that kids are doing in Synergy, but it isn’t quite done, yet. Kids are writing novels, making scale models of battleships, organizing a step team, finding ways help homeless youth, raising awareness about LGBT issues, decorating our school, writing uplifting messages on origami to give to others, upcycling, organizing after-school programs (sports and chess) for a neighboring school, creating a smoothie company, a locker decorations company, a vinyl decal company, and so much more. It’s exciting!

I can’t believe what I get to witness every week with these kids. Stay tuned for more to come about this exciting chapter in our school.

Step 4: Continuous improvement

This is where it gets really exciting for me. Nothing is ever good enough. Good is the enemy of great. I want my school to be amazing, and it is never going to be if I settle for anything. For me, change and improvement is exciting and fun. For others, change is scary and challenging.

So, how do we make this happen? We constantly evolve in every area we can.

It means that I have a critical eye, and that means critical for the things that I want to have happen, too. Synergy is a good example of that. It started way back when I was a teacher and has been evolving ever since. It has different names in different schools, but the base idea is the same. You might call it Genius Hour or 20% time. I’ve called it “special projects,“ “tutorials,” “advisory,” and now “synergy.”

What is important in whatever process you are evaluating, is that you continually evaluate how things are going. You can’t settle for anything, anytime.

There are challenges with this. But this is where it goes back to the vision that you have for your school. If you don’t have that vision of what we are doing, the improvements can be seen as changes, and that doesn’t help anyone!!! People don’t like to change for change’s sake. They are willing to improve and grow, but they need to do it with an eye toward a vision of some sort.


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Eric Chagala is the principal of of Vista Innovation & Design Academy Twitter

  • Changing with the same kids same teachers same place.
  • Using the design thinking process to actually get there.
  • There is no difference in design thinking between business and schools.
  • Trying to create and add value for and in the community.
  • Identifying who our users are and what their
  • How do you get deep insights?
  • Steve Jobs idea, they never would have come up with that idea. Listen deeply, and read between the lines of what people are asking for.
  • What is it that they have not imagines.
  • About 1000 educational visitors come through our school each year. Want to do better by and for kids. Looking for exposure. Trying to gain understand about what might exist in different capacities.
  • What they understand from the perspective that they have. Important for the designers to have a really vast set of exposures.
  • It’s not just visiting schools.
  • Stopped reading about education stuff. Starting reading and focusing on things from industry.
  • Subscribing to more things outside the context of education.
  • discussion, reading, and some travel to other places.
  • Quallcomm, Mindsets of founding leadership team.
  • Translate what we were hearing from students and teachers.
  • Looking at creative firms that touch the education sector.
  • Diversity of the ecosystem.
  • The more diverse an ecosystem the better
  • Feb 2013 - spring smiling at each other, year long journey of trying to figure out what a new school would be.
  • August 2014, after just 1 year. Taught all day at the old school afternoon and evening were spent learning and gaining empathy.
  • Be centered around design thinking. Doesn’t translate very well into pedagogy.
  • Pedagogical framework, buck institute on Project-based learning. That gave us a framework to insert design thinking into.
  • PBL is more challenging in Math than humanities, so moved to Problem-based learning. Challenge-based learning.
  • Design-based learning. Deeper learning & project based & challenge-based
  • DBLe - including entrepreneurship to get them ready for the gig economy.
  • The narrative we share about the experience that kids get when they come here.
  • VIDA - Life - Narrative of life vs. school.
  • It’s not design thinking or PBL, what sets us apart is our narrative. This is not school.
  • You can’t just show up for 7.5 hours and think you’ll change your life.
  • First year - students who were matriculating through. Found some of the kids who had struggled the most in the old school and were stars in the new school. Tell their story on video.
  • Turnaround kids.
  • Schools have the power to perpetuate or change the culture of the neighborhood.
  • “Now our teachers care about us”
  • Pursue challenging tasks with
  • Love the hell out of every single person, every day.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Whaley School is a separate day school with about 100 students with behavioral needs.

  • Some students stay through graduation, but goal is to get them back to a neighborhood school.
  • Sister school closed down and opened an elementary wing, so now a k12 school!
  • 100% special education population - level 4, level 5 is more like a residential treatment center.
  • Tier 3 in MTSS/RTI behavior.
  • Students can access neighborhood schools. No after-school activities at Whaley. Sometimes a parent goes with them to activities at other schools.
  • Why not inclusion at Whaley school?
  • Some of the behavioral needs are so intense that staff members do not have the support to deal with those severe behaviors.
  • Our motto is working through the problem.
  • Physical aggression they are showing towards others.
  • Strategies: Crisis Recovery Hallway - able to talk with intervention coaches to walk them through the conflict cycle, with whomever that may be!
  • What are you going to do when you go back?
  • Teaching kids to advocate for themselves.
  • We really believe in no suspensions
  • We give the same curriculum that they get at the other schools,
  • All of their communication becomes behavior.
  • An intervention coach in each classroom and there in the CR room. Intervention with Strategies and Support
  • To prevent recidivism, we need to teach skills to help them.
  • CR1 - something blows up and you lose your cool. Quickly getting back to class.
  • CR2 - spend a little more time talking about what is going on. Choose: mindfulness, exercise, or work.
  • CR3 - stay there the rest of the day.
  • How to help the teachers welcome kids back into class.
  • Every 5 minutes is a new beginning.
  • It’s ok to start fresh at the beginning of the next class.
  • Also have a few items that are specifically going to put them in the ISS room, Threatening, posturing, etc.
  • Eliminating behaviors
  • A lot of times teachers may see reactions, rather than instigating actions.
  • Suggestions, be very loud and say, “I don’t like that, don’t do that.“
  • Check in and check out.
  • 1st period talking about goals that they have.
  • When they go to checkout, tell how they did.
  • Doing so many checkpoints throughout the day. Behavior data every week.
  • Data review meetings can be called at any time to try to get a student back into the regular school.
  • Data review with the team, then we call a meeting with neighborhood school. Meet at the neighborhood school.
  • Sometimes self-sabotage - Extra help for kids that are getting close to transitioning.
  • Make sure kids feel that they have support when they leave.
  • Why not do a different curriculum with these students who are very different?
  • Students could have access to resource classes in all subject areas.
  • How to be a transformative principal?
    Build close relationships with students, be out there and make sure that kids know you think they are important.

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Michelle Snyder@mlsnyder92 Vista Visions academy

  • Students have set lab times so they come in for special events.
  • Students in a lab with 5 or six students
  • Whether or not they are required to do the labs is up for debate, but it is good for kids to have the experience.
  • What kinds of students are attracted to your school?
  • Their reasons vary, but they each have a very specific reason for coming.
  • If they hadn’t found us, they would have gone outside the district to a charter school
  • Big picture learning. Upstream collaborative.
  • Learning through interests (LTI) student internship program
  • Teaching skills for seeking out their own internship.
  • Parents often speaking for their kids and how do we help parents.
  • Takes a lot for parents to be able to step back when they
  • How to build for scale for this program.
  • Looking at things from a dollars and cents point of view.
  • We’re not the same system as a regular school, so we need to look at what’s actually happening to see what we need to do to help them.
  • Every Friday afternoon we have collaboration and PD.
  • Individual Student Support Spreadsheet to record notes of students.
  • Touchstone - morning meeting with staff to see how everyone is doing.
  • Always looking at other options for kids.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Ask questions of their staff and listen to their answers.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Joe Erpelding, principal of Design39Campus:

  • Promotion Designer class - students are creating promotion experience
  • 2 promoting classes in last two years
  • the trouble with leadership in traditional models.
  • Anyone who is interested in leadership gets to be part of Lead39.
  • Students create leadership
  • Experienceships energize
  • Life-ready
  • How do we cram it all in?
  • Covering the content vs experiencing the content.
  • Enduring Learning through creativity, knowledge, identity.
  • Design thinking process is an extension of the scientific method.
  • Empathy.
  • Was the learning really “felt”?
  • What does great teaching look like?
  • What does great learning look like?
  • MOUs to reshape the strict rules and regulations.
  • Extensive Hiring Process: disorienting for anyone coming here.
  • 4 step process - 1. e-tell 2. Design challenge with student 3. Typical interview 4. Performance task
  • Onboarding process - historical documents of where we hoped to be.
  • Balance between quicksand and concrete - how do you balance this?
  • Steve Farver: Radical LEAP
  • Competency-based learning - TK-8 - what is critical?
  • Critical components that need to be covered before kids are ready for the next step.
  • 1st graders collaborating
  • Sense of self leads you to be able to communicate effectively.
  • Learner centered lab school - can’t disconnect parents from the learning community.
  • FutureNOW conference - parents are invited to be learners.
  • How many tours are we giving to our current parents?
  • TK-8 Experience
  • Pain points - 100 kids leave
  • Problem with us - communication around what a student is learning.
  • What are we going to assess?
  • Send home a progress report twice yearly.
  • altschool learning platform.
  • Seesaw
  • students can showcase their progress against competencies.
  • What’s next instead of I’m done.
  • allowing students to have variety in how they communicate what they learn.
  • Giving kids access.
  • Personal connection to mathematics can take a deep dive into mathematics.
  • Daily morning collaboration 7:45-8:45
  • Gift that we’ve given is time. We overstructure things.
  • Still have the same time as their peers at other schools
  • How to be a transformative principal? 10% - what am I willing to stretch myself to do tomorrow? What do I want to see this time next year?

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Scott Ellis is the founder and CEO of Mastery Track, which is a software program to help teachers use mastery-based grading in their schools.

  • Applied analytics at Hewlett Packard.
  • Teacher mentoring programs.
  • Blended and personalized learning for the last 7 or 8 years.
  • What contribution could I make?
  • Look at scale and what that might look like?
  • How to use technology as the core process that everyone can access and use for learning.
  • Making lots of progress on certain areas, but still having good access to the data is one area we are still struggling.
  • Anything more than individual student data is too much data.
  • Data wave is crashing across education.
  • We need to be crystal clear about what data we need?
  • What does the student know?
  • So what might we do next?
  • Which ways of learning work best for them?
  • Blended learning is combining great teaching with technology.
  • There is a new job description for teachers in the 21st Century.
  • It used to be that the teacher was the source of information, and now there are lots of ways for students to learn. There are so many more tools in the teacher’s toolkit.
  • We all know they know different things and are in different places. It’s extremely difficult to do differentiation in that system.
  • Teachers know things that nobody else knows. They know the children in front of them. The role of those teachers is to know how to use the variety of tools at their disposal to help kids learn as much as possible.
  • The children are at different places in their learning.
  • New tech makes things possible in new ways.
  • Station rotation models. Individuals and small groups is where the magic happens.
  • Effective educational practices that are happening when the teacher is not imparting instruction.
  • Start with a dashboard: Where are they now?
  • Second step: What are the next steps?
  • Third Step: What is our action plan?
  • Run a two-week cycle, where kids are learning certain things.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Enable students to move at their own pace: learn about what that means, and genuinely embrace it, or start asking the questions to make that happen.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Alexis Gonzales-Black is a principal designer at IDEO.

  • Holacracy - One kind of self-organization practice. Distribute authority into the hands of those that are doing the work.
  • Series of circles that are self-running startups or businesses.
  • Put the organization’s purpose above your own ego.
  • Shift to Holacracy can be challenging.
  • What are the self-advocacy skills that people need to be able to be successful?
  • Where do you have influence over these structures?
  • Managing ourselves in a really interactive way.
  • We build stories around what might happen if we take a step out of our comfort zone.
  • The story you tell yourself is so important. Storylines
  • We’re never going to get it right!
  • We are a flawed species and we need to give people the ability to try new things.
  • Allow tension to happen. Tension is inevitable.
  • Own your tension and be the one who is responsible for resolving that.
  • My job as a self-manager is to deal with that.
  • Our job title becomes a uniform we can’t take off, rather than being a value we bring to the school
  • What do others expect of me?
  • What do others need of me?
  • What are some of the roles that I can offload to someone else?
  • Role Marketplace - bring your roles to the marketplace and share the load!
  • The workforce increasingly wants autonomy, mastery, and purpose
  • Flexible approaches to budgeting and staff assignment.
  • People points.
  • It’s holding us back from experimenting, where we definitely need experimentation.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Take one piece of yourself and offer it to someone else.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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The New School Rules with Anthony Kim Transformative Principal 244

Social Media: We talk about failing forward, but we never set up the conditions for failure.

Anthony Kim is the founder and CEO of Education Elements, a consulting company that helps districts meet the needs of their students. He is also the coauthor of “The New School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools“

  • Focusing learning for adults on what your school specifically needs.
  • Where the experiments came from.
  • We talk about failing forward, but we never set up the conditions for failure.
  • From “failing forward” to “safe enough to try”.
  • It’s obvious when you see that things didn’t. Doing things how we have been doing them really facilitates
  • First milestone - classes in school buildings, then factory model.
  • Comparing currency to education.
  • Starting private schools
  • What you know, what you anticipate.
  • If you’re bringing it up
  • Meeting Agenda - Could be chaotic.
  • Jethro’s Blog Post about WeWork’s ]
  • Articulate what game you’re playing rather than arguing over it.
  • People often don’t know how to construct the problem of practice.
  • Brainstorming vs. decision making.
  • People aren’t trained to work in ambiguous environments.
  • leaders live in ambiguity. Teachers live in
  • How to be a transformative principal? Internal monthly experiments in our company, nothing to do with our work, but trying to understand people’s habits. Meditation example. Finding something that will get people to take action.


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Design39Campus School Visit Overview


Brief School Profile:

 At Design39Campus, learning experiences are designed with the individual learner in mind. As a collaborative community, we nurture creative confidence, practice design thinking, learn through inquiry, connect globally, use technology and real world tools, and promote the courage and growth mindset necessary to change the world.

Teachers are called “Learning Experience Designers"



17050 Del Sur Ridge Road

San Diego, CA 92127

(858) 676-6639


Why are we visiting this school?


Alignment with our vision for K12 Magnet

[x]Competency Based

[x]Blended Learning


[x]Public School


Resources and Links:

School Blog

School Web Site



Joe Erpelding



Notes from Visit:

  • Everything speaks titles, furniture, etc.
  • Open spaces, very flexible  
  • Choices in topic, process, product
  • Director of innovation
  • Teachers collaborating every single day.
  • Team (principal and 5 teachers) working together to design the school for a whole year.
  • TK - kindergarten for kids that are 5 before december 1 (½ day)
  • MIMS - PE teachers. When and why were they brought in?
  • Collaboration
  • Everyone is a leader.
  • Teachers are out of the room easily.
  • No more meetings - facilitated learning opportunities.
  • Carts for teachers, instead
  • No ownership of rooms. Design the space as needed. Reset the space at the end of each day/week/unit.
  • Students didn’t have any physical books, were put in the classroom.
  • Working agreements for student behavior not school rules.
  • Large classrooms, 60-65 kids, 2 teachers.
  • Kids without passes, not asking to use the bathroom.
  • Every piece of furniture has dual purposes.
  • Name design39 39th school and want kids to wonder first and foremost.
  • Design Studio for the adults.
  • Learning Experience Designers - We light the way.
  • Be cognizant of what works well for kids. Do it.
  • Activity for K12 sessions: Define what different things mean.

Questions still to ask:

  • Community agreements?
  • Video about 1st graders collaborating.
  • Clubs or activities
  • Philosophy on homework?
  • Literacy emphasis?
  • Lottery process: 1st draw is to match free and reduced lunch. 2nd draw is to fill Special Education demographics. 3rd draw is for diversity. Fourth draw is to do everything.

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Nancy Conrad is the founder of the Conrad Challenge, a global competition to help kids learn without limitations. How Listeners Can Learn More • Website: • Twitter: @ConradChallenge • Facebook: • Youtube Channel (Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge)

Entry Timeline for 2018-19 Challenge: • Team Registration Open Online: Friday, August 24 • Team Registration Closes Online: Friday, October 19 • Investor Pitch Submission Deadline: Friday, November 2 • Finals: April 24-27, 2019, Kennedy Space Center

• We are looking for advisors and student teams to participate in the 6 Challenge Categories: ◦ Special Category: Smoke Free World, sponsored by Foundation for a Smoke Free World ◦ Special Category: Transforming Education Through Technology, sponsored by SMART Technologies ◦ Aerospace & Aviation ◦ Cyber-Technology & Security ◦ Energy & Environment ◦ Health & Nutrition

  • No box thinking.
  • This is social impact meets education meets global impact.
  • Inspired by Google Design Sprint
  • We are in a testocracy.
  • Adapt our system to what we are doing in our knowledge-based economy.
  • No box toolbox
  • Teacher of the year award.
  • Problems are negative, but challenges can be solved.
  • Learning without limitations
  • The goal is not to take a product to market, but to learn how to learn.
  • Calculated risks that had a massive impact.
  • Most of our education looks down a straw…but our world is globalized.
  • Our students earn a GSD - Get Stuff Done.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Passion - have it and use it!

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Matt Coleman, DEd, has worked at every level of the secondary education system. He has served as educational assistant, middle school teacher, high school teacher, high school assistant principal, middle school principal, high school principal, director of secondary education, and assistant superintendent. In his administrative roles, Matt supported significant change resulting in improved outcomes for all kids—with a positive, differential impact on students who have been historically underserved.

  • Not for profit organization - research and consulting about making school work for all kids.
  • Think about what it means to be successful.
  • All kids are served well.
  • Organizational theory - inflexion framework.
  • School identity should inform
  • Schools don’t have a consensus of outcomes that defines readiness.
  • As Inflexion, we use the Four Keys (Think, Know, Act, and Go) developed by our founder, Dr. David Conley, as a critical driver in our work with schools. This framework represents a holistic vision for schools and systems to align with as well as a shared mental model for staff to anchor their understanding of readiness.
  • Our instructional approaches don’t engender ownership.
  • Some information is available only to the privileged few.
  • AVID is one of the programs that helps give kids privilege.
  • Must think holistically
  • Schools that are working for all kids have a consensus of outcomes and clarity of identity.
  • Life readiness maxims
  • Map skills they have learned against “Think, Know, Act, Go“ (or 5 C’s, or 21st Century Skills)
  • Identity is a concept of vision.
  • Take a look at what you do, and making a system that serves ALL students.
  • What are you doing to what end? How do the activities you’re doing link to “Think, Know, Act, Go”?
  • Life Ready Maxims Nike has 11 maxims.
  • Maxims - how to distill and communicate key ideas of your vision.
  • We are Valley
  • Structure should reflect identity.
  • Being consistently inconsistent
  • Question to ask in interviews. 2nd question: How would you define fair and how would you apply it to kids.
  • Hiring practices should reflect core maxims.
  • Articulate that you understand that your perspectives are different.
  • How to be a transformative Principal? Schools cannot form identity if the principal doesn’t have an understanding of their own maxims.
  • Identify 10-12 stakeholders and ask 3 questions: What do I (as the principal) value, what do I believe, how do I see the world? (And what about what I do reflects those things)
  • If you don’t see consistency in maxims, you need to do your own development work.
  • How do I help my staff develop that same maxim? Be consistently inconsistent around the function of the behavior.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Dr. Clement served nine years as the superintendent of Flowing Wells School District in Tucson, Arizona. Following his retirement in 2013, Dr. Clement was appointed to the Ernest McFarland Citizen’s Chair in Education by the dean of the College of Education at Northern Arizona University. In this endowed, full-time faculty position, Dr. Clement is responsible for teaching and advocating for education throughout Arizona and the nation.

  • Legendary Teacher Day: Sept 27, 2018 Sign up for this free event to recognize your amazing teachers! 4th Thursday in September - stop and think of that teacher, and contact them if you can!
  • How did I get here?
  • It wasn’t by chance.
  • I got to this position because of a couple of great teachers.
  • They never once verbally encouraged me to go into teaching, but they were modeling my career!
  • What am I going to do now? Elevate the profession with my own resources and skills.
  • Open resources
  • Partnering with businesses is an opportunity to recognize and reward their school.
  • Goal is that in 10 years that it is part of our culture.
  • Three tenets of a legendary teacher: building relationships, engaging deeply with students, and creating high expectations.
  • What’s the perfect teacher?
  • Starts with relationships. Active participation - engagement - enrollment.
  • how to be a transformative principal? Pick a class and substitute.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Katie Martin is middle school English teacher at heart and currently works at altschool and the Head of Partnerships. 

  • Where to start as a person.
  • Modeling my own learning journey.
  • You can’t control others. You can create the conditions where people can learn new things.
  • We have to look at the bigger picture. Are we educating for life, or are we educating for school?
  • We need to have conversation about what we want learners to have for the future.
  • What do we actually value?
  • Social Ledia
  • What’s possible with technology
  • Less about what your learning, but rather how you’re using the tools.
  • Technology should be there to super power the connections between the people.
  • Teachers plan engaging experiences.
  • Technology can document and manage that so much more effectively than teachers have been able to alone.
  • Learner Centered Innovation Book - reframing the idea of smart.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Talk to students, teachers and parents, and ask what you can do better.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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In this episode, I am sharing what we did at my school for the first days of school.



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This interview on the Transformative Leadership Summit was so good, I had to post it. I hope you enjoy it. 

You can still get the All Access Pass here.

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Alysson Keelen is the Principal of Memorial Elementary School in New Jersey.

  • How to have an inclusive schools. Taught in general education classes.
  • Innovations In Special Education award winners
  • Taking a team approach to designing a stem lab that is accessible, based on universal design.
  • I didn’t pick them team!
  • Skye’s one of the most interesting people you’ll ever talk to.
  • Empowering others is what makes magic happen in your school!
  • If you want to control it, you’ll get a great program, but if you want it to exceed your wildest expectations, give others leadership opportunities.
  • Make decisions in the best interest of students.
  • When I was teaching, we would change things up to meet the needs of our students.
  • In my mind, I can justify why.
  • Outside garden that is being transferred into an outside classroom.
  • ScIP Team meeting once a month. Plan once a month for professional development.
  • Inservice day. 2 escape rooms.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Listen to your teachers. What would you want your instruction to be differently? Ask them and let them do that.
  • *

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Karl Rectanus is an educator, entrepreneur and adviser. As cofounder and CEO of Lea(R)n, an education innovation Benefit Corporation that empowers educators and their institutions to organize, streamline and analyze education technology through its research-backed LearnPlatform, Karl leads schools and districts, states and networks, and colleges and universities in their efforts to simplify edtech selection, procurement, implementation and measurement. Karl works with learning organizations and networks across the country to establish and elevate standards of practice that drive personalized learning at scale, student achievement and equity in access.

Originally an educator and administrator in the US and abroad, Karl has started and led multiple education innovation organizations, and currently advises districts, states and foundations. Karl has lived, worked and studied in over 12 countries, and was an NC Teaching Fellow and James M Johnston Scholar at UNC-Chapel Hill, and graduate courses at UCLA’s Anderson Business School and CalTech Executive Extension. Karl, his wife and three daughters now live in Raleigh, NC.

  • Became a CFO for schools
  • Fourth successful education company
  • How they evaluate the ed tech solutions.
  • Saving time, so we can focus on things that are most important.
  • 5000 ed tech tools.
  • 8 most important criteria for teachers.
  • Saves administrators
  • Grades based on teacher’s comfort and familiarity with technology.
  • Ed Tech is a broken economy
  • Results Matter
  • Store contracts in the platform.
  • Analyze usage.
  • only 9% of individual licenses are actually being used.
  • Lack of Transparency leads to pricing inconsistencies
  • Forming, storming, norming, and performing
  • Exploring, hacking, optimizing, performing
  • Self-assessment for determining where you are on the personalized learning at scale journey.
  • 80% of schools are in the hacking phase.
  • Really challenging to put together budget when you don’t know if tools are being used.
  • How to be a transformative principal?

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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