Learning without Limitations: the Conrad Challenge with Nancy Conrad Transformative Principal Special 1053
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 by jethrojones
Nancy Conrad is the founder of the Conrad Challenge, a global competition to help kids learn without limitations. How Listeners Can Learn More • Website: www.conradchallenge.org • Twitter: @ConradChallenge • Facebook: facebook.com/ConradChallenge • Youtube Channel (Conrad Spirit of Innovation Challenge)
Entry Timeline for 2018-19 Challenge: • Team Registration Open Online: Friday, August 24 • Team Registration Closes Online: Friday, October 19 • Investor Pitch Submission Deadline: Friday, November 2 • Finals: April 24-27, 2019, Kennedy Space Center
• We are looking for advisors and student teams to participate in the 6 Challenge Categories: ◦ Special Category: Smoke Free World, sponsored by Foundation for a Smoke Free World ◦ Special Category: Transforming Education Through Technology, sponsored by SMART Technologies ◦ Aerospace & Aviation ◦ Cyber-Technology & Security ◦ Energy & Environment ◦ Health & Nutrition
- No box thinking.
- This is social impact meets education meets global impact.
- Inspired by Google Design Sprint
- We are in a testocracy.
- Adapt our system to what we are doing in our knowledge-based economy.
- No box toolbox
- Teacher of the year award.
- Problems are negative, but challenges can be solved.
- Learning without limitations
- The goal is not to take a product to market, but to learn how to learn.
- Calculated risks that had a massive impact.
- Most of our education looks down a straw…but our world is globalized.
- Our students earn a GSD - Get Stuff Done.
- How to be a transformative principal? Passion - have it and use it!
Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!
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Please follow me on Twitter: @jethrojones for the host and @TrnFrmPrincipal for the show.
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