Kelly Young is the Executive Director at Education Reimagined, where they seek to help educators create a learner-centered learning environment.

  • Non profit in Washington, D.C. that figures out how we can accelerate the transition from school-centered to student-centered
  • All kids and outcomes that are actually relevant.
  • A whole new way of seeing education.
  • Learning is a natural phenomenon.
  • Unfurl students’ unique potential.
  • Shifting from the transfer of knowledge to the investigation of unknown knowledge
  • Einstein National Geographic.
  • Asking teachers about passionate learning experiences that they had.
  • Had people that cared about them and what they learned.
  • Great learning experiences rarely happen in a classroom setting.
  • Relevant to what kids need to learn.
  • Why is it so hard for educators to let this go?
  • It’s what we experienced and what we know.
  • Maybe there is something wrong with me.
  • When you’re really struggling with a student, ask what might I do differently and what role can the kids take in fixing the problem.
  • It always feels risky to invite kids into the conversation.
  • Iowa BIG - architecture project.
  • He didn’t have the words to describe what he was missing.

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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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