RTI process for Lyn Marsilio's elementary school.

  • Set a couple goals: know their letters, ICU.
  • 4 rotations, 6 minute rotations
  • Letter writing, letter sorts, tracing, sound sorts.
  • After the first 20 days, graduated kids went back into the classroom.
  • Did a round 2 to add rhyming and took out tactile piece.
  • Taking attendance for kids to see how many times they went to this intervention.
  • Out of the 20 days, some kids only made 14, and so called him to make sure kids
  • Our third round, the teachers are finally seeing why we take data.
  • Kids making the goals early are taking off in other areas because they had those foundational skills.
  • 80% on grade level vs. 40% that were on grade level last year.
  • Narrows down who needs special skills.
  • In the past, title I data has felt like a collection with no meaning. Up until this year, that has been data that we collect, not that we use.
  • Teachers plan it, teacher assistants implement it.
  • 1st grade - 46 kids, three title I teachers are working with these kids. We have seen 84% of the kids in 1st grade making progress.
  • Co planning with the reading teachers.
  • In second grade, about 50% of kids have rotated out because of progress.
  • There is a great benefit in being targeted.
  • 3rd graders, all but 2 of the 25 kids needing intervention are making great progress.
  • Lots of young staff, and they are still doing well.
  • Teachers are seeing why the planning is affecting instruction and what that impact is.
  • foundational skills in 2nd and 3rd grade: decoding, then once they hit grade level, push comprehension.
  • Holding on to them a little longer.
  • Got push back in the beginning because we are doing something different.
  • Now that they are seeing why we structured that the way did, there is more excitement.
  • 2nd and 3rd grade, asked teachers for input to make sure they felt supported.
  • Success is contagious.
  • What haven't we figured out: 4th and 5th grade.
  • Looking at budget as people and not programs.
  • We are getting kids to be readers.


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Larry Villiard is the principal of a K-12 school in Bruce Wisconsin.

  • Leadership team, started with 12 people, now we have up to 20 people come to the leadership team meeting each month. Follow up leadership team meeting after PD.
  • Anybody who wants to be part of leadership team can join us.
  • Leadership Meeting norms.
  • Six Step Process
  • Weekly article share at 7:30
  • Book studies.
  • Tight and loose.
  • Need more time if we are going to teach the curriculum with fidelity.
  • Seniors leave a week earlier than the rest of the student body, so they are going to do a test run with the new schedule.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Have an open mind. Tap into your talented staff.
  • call bruce high school.

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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Larry Villiard is the principal of a K-12 school in Bruce Wisconsin.

  • Larry has been there since 1995
  • Moved from a junior high school to a middle school.
  • About 500 students
  • 2 classes per grade
  • Middle school has a separate schedule from everyone else. Extended core classes 80 minutes long.
  • The staff is the key to making kids successful.
  • How has the PLC approach helped you.
  • Took ideas from the staff to make it successful. Transitions getting kids moving around more.
  • Give kids 20 minutes of homework time during the class period.
  • Lengthened class periods decreased ODRs.
  • A small little man can't make all the decisions.
  • People couldn't believe that people just went about their business when they visited the school.
  • In one school year, we lost superintendent and elementary principal. I was going to be moved out of my comfort zone.
  • They came back like new staff, like new people.
  • A PLC cannot be a set of meetings!
  • A PLC has to become your culture.
  • Take what is working best and eliminate what is not working.
  • Data Days 3 times per year - drives all interventions
  • Were dead last in our achievement and now are in 1st place.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Dr. Barbara is Executive Director of The Institute for Childhood Education, a professional development and consulting firm for those who live and work with children.

  • Barbara started rocking abandoned babies when she was in high school in Washington, D.C.
  • First year teaching was in the inner city.
  • The role of spirituality and faith in children.
  • Faith community is a resilience factor.
  • Faith enables us to have connection.
  • Children have innate understanding of God.
  • When you have that child standing in front of you that can sometimes get on your last nerve, ask not what is wrong with you, but what has happened to you?
  • Impacts us at the cellular level.
  • I look at you with compassion for your story.
  • The kids’ history has told them that the world is not a safe place.
  • “Children act out“ in behavior what they do not have the words to say.
  • How much do we need to know about student’s trauma?
  • The trauma determines the impact.
  • The behavior speaks for itself.
  • Need to look at trauma with a broader lens.
  • What happens inside a child’s body when they experience trauma.
  • FAE and Pre-natal drug exposure impacts organization of brain.
  • Most vulnerable time is in-utero and first two months of life as it relates to brain development.
  • Dr. Perry and neurotransmitters.
  • ADHD medication manipulates one of the three neurotransmitters.
  • Dendrites on neurons related to quality and health of early life.
  • Trauma can interrupt two hemispheres of the brain.
  • Memory, language, using symbols can be compromised by trauma.
  • Moral classrooms, moral children.
  • Children with trauma will only thrive in a community.
  • Developmentally appropriate practice with kids exposed to trauma - Narrow window of strategies.
  • Children with significant trauma act at half their chronological age.
  • Active learning engagement for kids exposed to trauma.
  • Primary strategy is a do-over or reboot. “Let’s try that again!” - may need to model that first.
  • Goal is not to manage behavior but to heal them from inside out.
  • Ignore the no and give two choices!
  • Cozy corner: “You let me know when you’re ready to go back to class.“
  • Simply changing the location is sometimes enough.
  • Pattern, repetitive movement is calming to the brain.
  • Wet washcloth is a tangible symbol of empathy.
  • How to be a transformative principal? When you see those children who are struggling, remind yourself it’s not about what’s wrong with you, but about what’s happened to you. I know who you are.

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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Jason Glass is the superintendent of Jeffco Public Schools

  • 85,000 students on the west side of Denver, Colorado.
  • Lots of great people in the district.
  • Community is politically divided 1/3 democrats, 1/3 independent, 1/3 republican
  • When it comes to our kids, it should be an area where everyone can work together.
  • PBS Documentary about the Jeffco recall
  • Things that disturb the balance here get noticed
  • How do we prepare the students for the right future.
  • Green Mountain Youtube Video
  • Changing the student experience through changing the student task
  • Information is really easy to acquire.
  • Problem and project-based learning across the entire organization
  • Three categories of practitioners: those who have always taught in authentic: Allow those teachers to be influencers.
  • Second group is those who see the changes and are willing to engage but don’t know how: provide lots of opportunities for them to see what it looks like.
  • Third group: waiting to see if this is a fad.
  • How do you inspire your leadership to do these things as well?
  • This is simultaneously the easiest and most difficult change to make.
  • “This is exactly why I got into education”
  • Really hard because this is not a technical change
  • Much deeper and more meaningful change approach.
  • Have the changes really changed what students experience
  • how to be a transformative principal? Principals can support, encourage and help a teacher take a risk to create an authentic meaningful approach for a student.
  • @cojasonglass Jason.glass@jeffco.k12.co.us

Schedule a call with Jethro

Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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