Jason Glass is the superintendent of Jeffco Public Schools

  • 85,000 students on the west side of Denver, Colorado.
  • Lots of great people in the district.
  • Community is politically divided 1/3 democrats, 1/3 independent, 1/3 republican
  • When it comes to our kids, it should be an area where everyone can work together.
  • PBS Documentary about the Jeffco recall
  • Things that disturb the balance here get noticed
  • How do we prepare the students for the right future.
  • Green Mountain Youtube Video
  • Changing the student experience through changing the student task
  • Information is really easy to acquire.
  • Problem and project-based learning across the entire organization
  • Three categories of practitioners: those who have always taught in authentic: Allow those teachers to be influencers.
  • Second group is those who see the changes and are willing to engage but don’t know how: provide lots of opportunities for them to see what it looks like.
  • Third group: waiting to see if this is a fad.
  • How do you inspire your leadership to do these things as well?
  • This is simultaneously the easiest and most difficult change to make.
  • “This is exactly why I got into education”
  • Really hard because this is not a technical change
  • Much deeper and more meaningful change approach.
  • Have the changes really changed what students experience
  • how to be a transformative principal? Principals can support, encourage and help a teacher take a risk to create an authentic meaningful approach for a student.
  • @cojasonglass Jason.glass@jeffco.k12.co.us

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Are you feeling like you are always behind at school? Do you feel like you need about 2 more hours each day to accomplish everything? Here’s how I help principals work manageable hours: Create your ideal week, so that you can leave work at work and enjoy your life!

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