Taking Care of Teachers with Danielle Nuhfer Transformative Principal 289
Sunday, July 28, 2019 by jethrojones
Danielle Nuhfer is a teacher who helps other teachers focus on self-care and you can find more information about her at teachingwell.life
- Teacher for 16 years.
- Not sure she was going to go back to teaching.
- Second burnout at year 10.
- Sabbatical in 2015 and 2016.
- What led to the second burnout.
- Lots of additional work responsibilities being taken on.
- Hard saying no to things.
- Reframe the No. “Let me say no for now.”
- Summer of Self-Care. - Deep dives into self-care
- What teachers need to start doing:
- Burnout and stress is common, but it doesn’t have to be normal.
- How we feel begins with us.
- Nothing needs to change, but everything can change when we change.
- How to be a transformative principal? Start with yourself. What can you do to take care of yourself?
- Back to School Bundle - Stress care solutions, how to get a 40-hour workweek, and more!