Dwight Carter is an award-winning school leader from Central Ohio. He believes reflection is at the heart of our practice and encourages principals, teachers, and students to focus on personal skill development to create the optimal conditions for learning to take place. Because of his collaborative and innovative leadership as a principal, he inducted into the Jostens Renaissance Educator Hall of Fame in 2010, he was named a 2013 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Principal of the Year, the 2014 Academy of Arts and Science Education High School Principal of the Year, and the 2015 Ohio Alliance of Black School Educators Principal of the Year.

Register for the Future of Educational Technology conference here.

  • Teaching in disruptive times.
  • Mark Wright - coauthor of book.
  • reforms are occurring in a shorter amount of time.
  • How to handle disruptions
  • 3–5 years for an initiative to stick but turnover is huge.
  • How to deal with disruptive events?
  • Cope
  • Adjust
  • Transform
  • So many pathways to graduation and high school credit.
  • Moving beyond credit recovery to credit acceleration.
  • Schools are taking opportunity to remove barriers.
  • Simply start by asking the question and have the conversation.
  • What else can students take in place of ___ required learning?
  • Kids have so much more opportunity today because of their access to opportunity.
  • Negative impact of technology on their social emotional health.
  • Both/and
  • Generation Z - It’s all about choice.
  • Work-based learning students doing amazing things
  • The kids became teachers to me.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Gather a group of students for an hour and ask them about how to improve their learning experience


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