This is an amazing story of how Kimberly's district set them up for success so they could find time for the important things in life. What a cool and unique approach. 

Kimberly Dixon is principal in Toronto

  • Took a year off to take some coursework.
  • Mother had supported her at the beginning of her career.
  • Lacking balance.
  • Four over 5. Paid 80% over four years then paid 80% for fifth year.
  • Typically accept about a dozen people for that in our district.
  • Became principal and started coursework to become a superintendent at the same time.
  • I realized I had been working really hard so travel was definitely a goal.
  • I had to operate within the parameters of
  • Principal of a summer school program in South Korea, kids met in South Korea and then went to the Philippines.
  • Be present as a mother and take care of myself.
  • The year was very unplanned.
  • School seems very Eurocentric, but our schools are so diverse.
  • Families are always excited
  • The balance needed in life to be your best.
  • Without balance, we run into issues of burnout
  • It’s about putting myself well into the time I have.
  • Not having that rushed approach. Respecting my time when I’m not in school and not “on.”
  • Giving a lot of yourself to other people’s children.
  • Having a purpose for my days.
  • Be in each classroom before every major break in the day.
  • None of my goals could happen unless I built the relationships.
  • No more than one evening event each week.
  • More balanced for my own kids and the kids at school.
  • How to be a transformative principal? I’ve discovered who being me is! Try to center yourself in some way to figure out what makes you peaceful.

Work with Jethro

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