For 30 years, Frank Forte has led projects and programs around the world for clients such as the U.S. Navy, Air Force, and Army, NASA, CA, CSC, GTE, and Mylan Pharmaceutical. He has worked across many different industries, including Oil & Gas, Software, Healthcare, and Construction.
Frank is the author of the book A.G.I.L.E. Thinking Demystified.

  • What is AGILE thinking?Adaptability,

  • The AGILE method is empiricism.

  • We don’t know what we have to do to please our stakeholders

  • We as humans don’t like to fail. Our education system rewards getting the right answer and doesn’t support failure.

  • Why do you need to teach adults that?

  • Effort and process.

  • What did you learn in this experiment?

  • Agile mentality have anything to offer me as a School principal?

  • It was about the process that I needed to follow.

  • We don’t have processes when it comes to idiosyncratic people. Is it complicated or complex? We do inspection and we have quality control

  • Humans as creators of engineering

  • What is the next experiment that I can use to help you grow?

  • When change approaches are successful and when they are failures.

  • CARES Act dealing with loans and withdrawals. Couldn’t have done it if not for the agile training they had gone through.

  • What about those made it so they could change so quickly. John Cotter - the Heart of Change

  • Sense of urgency has to the first thing

  • They will either vote with their feet or demand change.

  • Failures - trying once and then being surprised and giving up.

  • We are working in a complex ever-changing environment.

  • Build the change model

  • Retrospectives - How formal should these things be?

  • Don’t overwhelm the system.

  • What questions could I have asked to make it better?

  • Get comfortable with feedback, and accelerate that feedback.

  • We’ve got to carve out time to change.

  • Get effective first, then become efficient.

  • Growth vs. fixed mindset - fixed mindset is focused on being efficient.

  • Asking them what they have changed in their approach.

  • Change starts with awareness.

  • It’s time to make the donuts

  • Fight Flight and Freeze

  • If you do want to change, be prepared to get some push back.

  • How to be a transformative principal? Figure out what is on your backlog that needs to change. Make it so small that nobody will notice except you. Ask your class how they’re doing.

  • Listen and show empathy



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Wanting to Get Better with Dr. Vernita Glenn-White Transformative Principal 364

Social Media: You need to have a goal. Via @DrVglenn_white

Dr. V. is a professor of empowerment and executive coaching and consulting.

  • It’s ok to admit that you will make some mistakes.
  • How to not judge people?
  • There’s always things that are subconscious
  • I probably had this reaction because I listen to the news too much.
  • You have to want to get better.
  • You have to put yourself in environments where you are interacting with different people.
  • We don’t pause enough when we are interacting.
  • Setting norms of ground rules. Valencia College’s 13 rules of how we treat each other.
  • Show how much we are alike than different.
  • Don’t give up.
  • People give up because it is hard.
  • You need to have a goal.
  • How to be a transformative Principal? 1. Think about your vision for your life and how that relates to the vision for your school or district.
    1. Sit down and think about your core values.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Janneke Ritchie is an entrepreneur, speaker, designer and digital transformation expert. A robot momma, she brings both passion and a healthy dose of realism to how robots, AI and future technologies can be used to transform how we work, live and age. 
After 20 years of envisioning, designing and implementing solutions to enhance adoption of new technologies in large organizations, Janneke designs simple, elegant solutions to support people adopting modern technologies to go digital. 

An international speaker, Janneke inspires audiences to envision the opportunities and prepare for the challenges of the era of AI. She has a specific interest in how modern technologies can enhance the experience of aging.

Janneke is the host of bricksTObytes, a podcast featuring real stories of real people daring to adopt modern tech to transform and go digital.
 * Digital learning for non-digital natives
* The challenges of how to design learning experiences using these digital technologies.
* First Five Minutes Game Jane McGonnigal
* non-linear learning
* Digital natives vs digital immigrant
* Losing it includes not knowing how to find it!
* Because of the explosion of information, there’s not an expectation they know everything.
* I took a course on coding because I wanted to know how coders work.
* After that, they work with repositories.
* How to be a learner in a digital age.
* What are the skills you must learn.
* nothing is solid in a digital world.
* How the salient nugget retrieval happens
* Things that would do well to persist.
* There is no course that could have taught me.
* There’s a hyper personalization that occurs.
* SFD - Crappy first draft.
* How to be a transformative principal? Do something new and find a way to share how you’ve done it with your colleagues and maybe even with your students.



Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Kat Howard is AP at the Duston School and founder of LitDrive, PD for English Teachers. She is also the author of the book “Stop Talking About Wellbeing”

  • Came to teaching quite late after working in finance
  • Felt lack of reward outside of education.
  • How to help teachers take care of themselves.
  • Approaching workload - we have a responsibility to ourselves
  • Building strong relationships.
  • Effective conversation and effective exchange.
  • We’ve done several things to support conversation
  • It’s not just the resolution of the problem.
  • In schools, I don’t think email is a productive tool.
  • That’s the double edged sword of our profession.
  • Wellbeing is the outcome rather than the process
  • Our sense of purpose is really important.
  • Teachers don’t want to create their own behavior process in the classroom.
  • Give teachers autonomy over things that are important.
  • Curriculum design & teaching.
  • Teacher guilt - but it’s for the kids!
  • Teachers don’t come in to education to be mediocre.
  • People tell you what you want to hear.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Listen

Today’s Sponsors


Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Lizzy Neiger is an elementary principal at an international school in Nepal. Previously, Lizzy was a special ed teacher and 2nd grade teacher.

  • Geographically positioned between China and India.
  • Only flights people could get were repatriation flights back to their home countries.
  • Thought people would be able to return.
  • Making my self available at the end of my days.
  • How to support a school that is tuition based during this time.
  • How this will change their approach their approach to learning.
  • Reaching out via Twitter and PLN.
  • The Modern classroom project.
  • Creating family rituals.
  • Both asynchronous and synchronous meetings.
  • Meeting 4 times per week to focus on social emotional needs.
  • Lessons asynchronous.
  • Consume, process, assess.
  • Crisis teaching mode.
  • Monday-Thursday teaching schedule. Friday is screen free challenges.
  • Trying to take the modern classrooms project in tiny bites.
  • Plans for the future.
  • How to be a transformative principal? You can’t take care of other people if you can’t take care of yourself. Know yourself and know what you need.

Today’s Sponsors


Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Hannah Costello graduated in January 2020 after homeschooling her whole life. While co-founding the Learner Council and volunteering at virtual camps in her distributed learning high school, she discovered a passion for guiding and supporting other learners, and for creating systems that work. She wants to help other kids to experience learning the way she did by designing and supporting individualized learning paths.

  • What is a distributed learning high school?
  • Enrolled in a program where you had lots of power over your learning.
  • Created our own curriculum through grade 9.
  • Still a diploma granting program, but in Grade 10 switched to a thematic learning system.
  • There weren’t courses, but projects and ideas that were combined in a theme.
  • Having the opportunity to see connections between things is really important.
  • Find something you are interested in and delve into it.
  • Learner council was like a student council, and we didn’t have one.
  • Many students saw struggles with all the changes.
  • One student got fed up with all the changes and decided we needed a student council.
  • The model was based on the idea that every student should be heard.
  • Our school was so happy to have learner initiative.
  • Challenges were creating space for kids to talk with us.
  • We did all of our communication online.
  • Each learner has a learner consultant that they talk with at least weekly.
  • The school organized events (like camps) that were in person.
  • Befriended the communications team within the school.
  • Forum space set up to meet with
  • Tools to be successful
  • Reach out and ask for what I needed.
  • There was lots of support, but kids weren’t making use of their educators.
  • Found it useful to find out who was doing what.
  • I feel bad for my educators, because I asked a lot of them.
  • What to do now?
  • I could not join the educator team because I don’t have a college degree.
  • There are definitely uses for college.
  • I don’t want to teach a class, I want to facilitate learning.
  • Different ideas to help people.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Offer kids options as to how to express their learning. Because not everyone is going to learn the same way and not everyone is going to want to do it the same way.

Today’s Sponsors


Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Andrea Keith is the Vice President of School Programs at Let Grow.

  • Let Grow non profit to bring back childhood independence.
  • What changes have happened in the how parenting happens?
  • Belief that it is the parents’ job to protect kids from any discomfort.
  • Blue hands in the windows.
  • Benefits of kids having independence.
  • Nobody intends to give their kids the message that they’re not capable.
  • How has the pandemic influenced independence?
  • Re-education of adults.
  • I wasn’t taught social-emotional learning when I was a child.
  • Give your kids independence.
  • Let Grow Project
  • Let Grow Play Club
  • How to be a transformative principal? Start the project once a week after school with your kids.

Today’s Sponsors


Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Barb Labotka is a principal of a Montessori School in Chicago, Illinois. And this podcast is a little different in that she is going to tell some stories about Maria Montessori!

  • integrated her faith into her theory.
  • Montessori was the first scientific method.
  • Inspiration will come in moments when you least expect them.
  • At 36, she said that her educational approach will fill the whole world.
  • Match activities to abilities
  • Kids enjoy the things we typically think they hate in education.
  • Brains are designed to keep our bodies alive.
  • If kids are not given freedom, it is harder for them to learn.

Today’s Sponsors


Innovative school leaders across the country have started tracking online student participation using TeachFX because it’s one of the most powerful ways to improve student outcomes during COVID — especially for English Learners and students of color. Learn more about TeachFX and get a special offer at

John Catt

Today’s Transformative Principal sponsor, John Catt Educational, amplifies world-class voices on timeless topics, with a list of authors recognized globally for their fresh perspectives and proven strategies to drive success in modern schools and classrooms.

John Catt’s mission is to support high-quality teaching and learning by ensuring every educator has access to professional development materials that are research-based, practical, and focused on the key topics proven essential in today’s and tomorrow’s schools.

Learn more about professional development publications that are easy to implement for your entire faculty, and are both quickly digestible and rigorous, by visiting
Learn more about some of the newest titles:

John Catt is also proud publisher of the new book from Transformative Principal host Jethro Jones: SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves
Visit this page to learn more about bulk orders and how to bring John Catt’s research-based materials to your school:

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal