Wanting to Get Better with Dr. Vernita Glenn-White Transformative Principal 364

Social Media: You need to have a goal. Via @DrVglenn_white

Dr. V. is a professor of empowerment and executive coaching and consulting.

  • It’s ok to admit that you will make some mistakes.
  • How to not judge people?
  • There’s always things that are subconscious
  • I probably had this reaction because I listen to the news too much.
  • You have to want to get better.
  • You have to put yourself in environments where you are interacting with different people.
  • We don’t pause enough when we are interacting.
  • Setting norms of ground rules. Valencia College’s 13 rules of how we treat each other.
  • Show how much we are alike than different.
  • Don’t give up.
  • People give up because it is hard.
  • You need to have a goal.
  • How to be a transformative Principal? 1. Think about your vision for your life and how that relates to the vision for your school or district.
    1. Sit down and think about your core values.



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