Craig Randall is developing relational trust between principals and teachers, leading to risk-taking and growth. Author of Trust-Based Observations

Trust-Based Observations, my new book about a transformative method of doing teacher observations. In a nutshell the book and model are designed to help show administrators how to build trusting differentiated relationships with each of their teachers such that teachers are willing to work through uncomfortable feelings of vulnerability and embrace taking big risks to grow their practice. The model also directly connects the observation process to annual action research goals and schoolwide professional development through the creation of professional development communities tied directly to TBO areas of pedagogy. 

  • What is wrong with our current observation protocols?
  • Everything has been well-intended, it just hasn’t been effective.
  • Gates Foundation 7 year research project to improve quality of teaching.
  • Matt O’Leary - predominate researcher on teacher observation.
  • When we evaluated teachers, they start to play it safe.
  • If we create the right environment, everyone will feel safer.
  • 12 observations/week.
  • Monday-Thursday 3 20 minute observations. Tuesday-Friday 3 reflective conversations.
  • We want to spend our time as product?
  • Share what you notice, strengths you observed.
  • Don’t offer suggestions.
  • When you’re in classrooms so much, you start to see who is good at what.
  • Latent label?
  • We want to save our suggestions for something that is going to have a bigger impact.
  • If we don’t use emotional intelligence and trust, then we aren’t going to have a big impact.
  • Action Research Project.
  • It’s not top-down watching, it’s them there together.
  • Professional development - when people choose their own paths for choosing their PD, you see them taking more ownership of it and feel more empowered.
  • What about students’ self-driven opportunities?
  • How to be a transformative principal? Trust your teachers and build relationships of care for them. Start doing short observations, look for strengths.



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