This is a continuation of our coaching calls with Eric Makelky. Please check in our previous episodes 527523 519 514, 510, 506, and 501

In this episode we talk about dealing with difficult parents.
- Celebration - Just calling someone who applied.
- Someone applying
- Reaching out immediately
- Making it personal.
- Parents - How to get them on your team?
- 25–30 parents now on the advisory council.
- Challenges with parents
- Being a successful principal is about being popular and making everyone happy.
- Parents can be really challenging.
- Education is the parents’ responsibility and we are here to help out.
- What about when there isn’t a reason?
- I’m recording this conversation…Me, too.
- Would you like me to send a copy to you?
- Intimidation approaches
- Next time: so many things to learn that I didn’t have things in place for helping new staff. How do I help new staff transition in?


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New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal