Brittni Schroeder is the founder of Compassion Clubs, dedicated to the memory of her late son who passed away tragically at the age of 14.

  • Started with a scholarship fund for students.
  • Received hundreds of cards and letters from people who cared about Gage.
  • The “Can Man”
  • People wanted to be with our family.
  • “We only suffer when we think about ourselves.” - Tony Robbins
  • We have to serve. That’s how we heal.
  • Gave kids pizzas and told them to sit with kids who didn’t have anyone sitting with them.
  • Elementary and secondary curriculum.
  • Secondary the kids lead it.
  • Elementary is teacher/counselor/parent run.
  • If they don’t know how to serve and think outside of themselves they are going to have a rough adult life.
  • 12 different values: compassion, kindness, gratitude, charity, courage, etc.
  • Teach about the value, share a story, then serve.
  • Teenagers don’t seem to have coping skills.
  • Nominate kids for scholarships and grants.
  • My son’s legacy is compassion.
  • Most successful club in Michigan.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Look for those kids that need to belong.

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