Mia Pumo is a former teacher and math specialist and currently is the cofounder of Constructive Learning Design, which supports teachers and learners by making learning joyful.

  • Making learning joyful
  • I was really starting to contemplate leaving the profession I love because the joy was not there.
  • We believe that if we design and deliver powerful learning experiences for educators, they will design and deliver powerful learning experiences for students.
  • Coaches can transform the learning and cultural experiences of a school.
  • You can’t afford to not have coaches! There are many ways to incorporate coaching into a culture.
  • Leaders with coaching skills are more effective and more impactful.
  • Communication, active listening, developing a culture where coaching and feedback are part of the norm.
  • Have leaders take on that coaching role as part of what they do.
  • Developing culture falls on the leader.
  • Set up protocols and structures to make that an enjoyable experience.
  • Coaching cycles
  • The best professional development is the teacher down the hall.
  • Position coaching to the staff as a support, not another observation.
  • Why is there a stigma related to coaching?

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