Dr. Kulvarn Atwal has been a head teacher for 8 years, educator for 20. He is the Author of The Thinking School: Developing a Dynamic Learning Community

  • Great variation in teachers who had good attitudes and wanted to improve.
  • Interested in finding out how to help every teacher be excited to learn.
  • Focusing our energies on teacher professional learning.
  • The way you impact learning is by hiring amazing teachers.
  • Implementing dynamic learning communities.
  • Maximizing informal learning.
  • What is informal learning.
  • More learning takes place socially in an institution than formally.
  • Every person is trained as a coach.
  • Average teacher stops improving after their third year of teaching.
  • Communities of Practice
  • Getting better has to be part of the culture of the school.
  • Expansive professional learning
  • I’m not going to participate in any judgment or lesson observations.
  • Engage in collaborative action research projects.
  • Done this in three different schools.
  • If their traditional role was to judge and now they need to coach, it’s very difficult to adjust.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Empowerment of practitioners.

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