Karen Gross is an author and educator, as well as an advisor and consultant to nonprofit schools, organizations, and governments; instructor of continuing education at Rutgers Graduate School of Social Work; visiting professor at Bennington College; former president of Southern Vermont College; former senior policy advisor to the United States Department of Education; and author of the sidequel, Breakaway Learners: Strategies for Post-Secondary Success with At-Risk Students and the trauma-sensitive children’s book series, Lady Lucy’s Quest. Visit Karen’s website at www.karengrosseducation.com.

  • Name it - start by recognizing that it exists. What is traumatic for one may not be traumatic for another.
  • Tame it - Strategies to deal with those. Invisible and it never goes away.
  • Fight, flight, freeze, faint, fawn.
  • activities that activate the senses allows the brain to reset.
  • Example of strategies - stand on one leg.
  • All of the senses have activities that are tied to them.
  • Frame it
  • Gotta do something to activate the brain.
  • Triphasic - disregulated, isolated, over regulated.
  • long term strategies.
  • Instead of blaming, seek to find what caused the behavior?
  • Processing in place.
  • Kimochis - https://www.kimochis.com
  • Fidget boxes
  • Play table.
  • how to be a transformative principal? Assuming schools haven’t reopened - reach out to everyone and provide support.

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