Show notes

  • 1–4–3 day in PA - 143rd day in the year.
  • Get their book “When You Wonder, You’re Learning”
  • Origin story - Gregg and philanthropy Grable Foundation
  • Translating learning from the learning sciences
  • sound like script writers in Fred Rogers.
  • Remake learning network - Learning landscape.
  • Rogers took the tech of his day and asked how can I make this good
  • Fred Rogers wanted to use the technology of his day to minister to kids.
  • Eric Erickson - identity development
  • How can people do things like what Fred was doing in his time?
  • How do I make what is attractive to kids good and constructive?
  • So many people who can and should carry the work of Fred forward. We’ve got to lift those examples up.
  • Go to church, go to a concert, go to a sporting event, go to school
  • The agony of creation.
  • Everything Fred was doing clearly had a purpose.
  • Fred bridged theory and practice in a powerful way.
  • Curiosity, collaboration, creativity
  • Parables of Peanuts
  • Whole child plus learning sciences equals = The Fred Method

Check out this episode!

Social Media: We want parents to be a voice, not just have a voice. Via @DrKylePalmer

Dr. Kyle Palmer is Author of the new book Parentships in a PLC He is an HR Administrator in Kansas City in Central school district. Kyle was on Episode 79 of Transformative Principal.
  • Parents are so important
  • Teachers who are afraid to reach out to
  • If parents truly understood teachers roles.
  • Education triangle - teachers and parents working together with students.
  • For 2 years, we’ve put up a giant wall and closed doors to parents.
  • Parent engagement vs parent enragement
  • We want parents to be a voice, not just have a voice.
  • Norms around parent engagement
  • Parentship success team
  • Strategies: Schoolwide norms
  • How to be a transformative Principal? It begins and ends with how you treat people.


Transformative Principal Mastermind

Lead a school everyone can be proud of.

Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

I help you stop putting out fires and start leading.

Learn more at

Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books. Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English. Learn more at

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Show notes

Dr. Charol Shakeshaft is a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University who studies educator sex abuse towards students prevalence and prevention.

Subscribe to the Cybertraps Newsletter

  • How much abuse of kids is happening and has it gotten better?
  • Why has there been so much scandal around the catholic church and so little around
  • The power of grooming students, colleagues, parents, etc.
  • Uninterrupted and unobserved time with students.
  • Much still occurs in the school fact to face.
  • We don’t know how much this is happening, nor do we know whether it is increasing or decreasing.
  • UAWW data surprisingly showed that students had been touched inappropriately by adults, when the study was looking for peer interactions.
  • 10% of kids
  • People don’t want to fund research in this area.
  • Why the discrepancy between the catholic church and schools doing this.
  • Predominant genders involved
  • Districts are very closed when these things happen and don’t allow much to be said.
  • Organizational decisions that get made about
  • Structural issue rather than an individual issue.
  • Challenges of a school system: not judging a colleague, closed rooms, nobody
  • Did you see the signs? Why didn’t you say anything?
  • The culture is such that they don’t feel safe saying something.
  • SESAME Organization
  • 133 superintendents - Too much passing the trash. We took care of the problem so “our” kids would be safe.
  • By not saying anything, we are giving people permission to expand a predicliction
  • Schools don’t just allow this to happen, schools help people find this in themselves.
  • “It must be OK” if adults aren’t calling it out.
  • Pay attention to how a student reports. Kids don’t say it straight up.
  • Think of addictions, and what sets people up for doing that addiction.
  • Start out being lonely and then it leads to another thing.
  • Prevention - look at the organization - Policies (do they follow them?), training (not just mandatory reporting), hiring practices (not calling references),
  • Presidium training

Check out this episode!

Melissa Sherman grew up in rural Virginia playing in the woods and streams.

Taught PK–7th grade in public and independent school in VA, AL, TN for 17 years before becoming a principal

Was a title I reaching coach/interventionist for much of this time

Now am a principal of a small independent PK–5th grade School, The Fay School in Houston

We have chickens, a 3 acre forest and have kids spend lots of time outside

  • Play in the woods and dig in the dirt for nature’s sake.
  • Forest recess, incidents of injury are lower than regular recess
  • Last child in the woods
  • Give kids
  • Free Forest Schools
  • Obstacles to kids going outside.
  • Raised bed gardens just take cinder blocks, dirt, and sunflower seeds.
  • State parks have free or low-cost field trips
  • Master gardener
  • How Trust-based observations has helped Melissa.
  • How to be a transformative principal? Go to recess and watch kids play!


Transformative Principal Mastermind

Lead a school everyone can be proud of.

Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

I help you stop putting out fires and start leading.

Learn more at

Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books.
Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English.
Learn more at

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Screen Time in the Summer Cybertraps 126

Show notes

  • News Item
  • Screen Time Went Up During the Pandemic

  • “The latest report from Common Sense Media confirms what many of us know intuitively: Entertainment media use grew faster in the last two years than it did in the four years before the pandemic. While many of us didn’t think it was possible to cram more entertainment screen time into our waking hours, we somehow managed to do so in 2021.”

  • Overview

  • What Is Screen Time?

  • We’ve Been Worried about It Since the Introduction of TV

  • Computers Accelerated the Issue (1980s and 1990s)

  • Gaming Devices, Cellphones, and Smartphones Put It All on Steroids

  • And Then There Was a Pandemic …

  • What Impact Has All of This Had on Your Screen Time?

  • Latest Studies

  • Common Sense Media Report
    • Tweens spend an average of 5.5 hours on entertainment media
    • Teens spend over 8 hours
    • Social media users are getting younger: 40% of children between 8 and 12 are on social media platforms
    • Some significant variations based on gender, race, and family income
    • Lower-income tweens spend as much as 3 hours more each day on entertainment media
  • Smartphone Usage in 2021
  • Screen Time Recommendations by The American Academy of Pediatrics

  • Infants/toddlers, ages 0–2 years: No screen time exposure for infants and toddlers. The only exception being connecting with loved ones on a screen.

  • Children ages 2–5 years: Up to one hour per day of high-quality screen time.

  • Do not use technology as a babysitter

  • In 2016, researchers found that babies (0–2 years) spend 42 minutes per day on screens, and children (3–4 years) spend two hours 40 minutes per day on screens.

  • Most parents teach their child how to use a touchscreen by age two.

  • Screen time usage per day was too high before the pandemic. It is even higher, now.

  • Positive Benefits of Non-Screen Play

  • Physical development

  • Brain development

  • Language development

  • Tactile learning

  • Critical-thinking skills

  • Development of imagination

  • Cooperation and conflict resolution

  • Consequences

  • Physical
    • Posture and Bone Development
    • Eyesight
    • Hearing
  • Psychological
    • Disconnection
    • Body image
    • Bullying
    • Anger and Hostility
    • Radicalization
    • Suicidal ideation
  • Responses and Solutions

  • Above all, balance

  • Focusing on content may be more important than screen time

  • Parents serving as good role models
    • Distracted parenting is a real phenomenon
  • Delay use of screens as long as possible
    • “Wait Until Eighth” Campaign
  • Create screen-free spaces
    • Separate space for art, crafts, reading, board games, etc.
  • Seek out seratonin
    • Waldeinsamkeit – the feeling of solitude in the forest
    • Shinrin-yoku – “forest-bathing”
    • Friluftsliv – “open-air living”
  • Set essential boundaries to promote:
    • Sleep
    • Real-World Activities
    • Concentration
    • Connection
    • Mental Health and Self-Esteem
  • Consistency Is Very Helpful to Both Kids and Adults

  • Help children understand the business model of social media

  • Help children put social media interactions in context

  • Coping with Boredom Is a Life Skill and a Pathway to Creativity

  • Resources

- #2022–05–16 Millennials vow to cut down on screen time for ‘more natural life’
- #2022–05–14 Too much screen time linked to ADHD, aggression, anxiety in children
- #2022–05–13 Health experts: Time to kill screens and send kids back to camp
- #2022–05–12 Should kids have smartphones? Debate grows on mental health impact
- #2022–05–11 How has the pandemic affected children’s screen time?
- #2022–05–10 Add virtual ‘supervision’ over your kids’ screen time and digital content with these settings, apps
- #2022–05–10 Norway says no to screen time for kids under two
- #2022–05–09 Experts Can’t Agree on How Much Screen Time Is Too Much for Adults
- #2022–05–07 Parents encouraged to reduce children’s screen time
- #2022–05–05 Between pandemic restrictions and screen time, one thing is clear: The kids are not OK
- #2022–05–05 UW Health study: Too much screen time isn’t a problem for most teens
- #2022–05–05 Screen Time Went Up During the Pandemic
- #2022–05–04 Mom Shares How She Avoided Screen Time Until Her Son Was 2 Years Old: ‘Normalize Being Bored’
- #2022–05–04 Campaign urges rethink of Gen Z’s screen time habits
- #2022–05–02 Screen time vs. traditional play: Keeping kids balanced
- #2022–0428 How parents’ views of their kids’ screen time, social media use changed during COVID–19
- #2022–04–28 Worried about your kids’ screen time? Check your own first.
- #2022–04–24 Report: Kids’ time spent on screen soars during the pandemic
- #2022–04–22 Experts Say This Small Change Can Drastically Reduce Your Screen Time—So I Tested It Out
- #2022–04–22 Too Much Screen Time Is Linked To Self-Harming Thoughts In Teens
- #2022–04–22 Office of Children’s Mental Health Releases Tips for Parents and Guardians on Healthy Screen Time Use
- #2022–04–21 Screen time for kids: How to create a stress-free routine
- #2022–04–20 This app helps parents feel less guilty about screen time
- #2022–04–20 Too much screen time can hinder development
- #2022–04–20 Wisconsin health officials release tips on healthy screen time for youth
- #2022–04–19 US: This Gorilla Is Addicted To Smartphones, So Now His Screen Time Has Been Cut Down
- #2022–04–06 The dark side of screen time
- [n.d.] Wait Until Eighth

Check out this episode!

Spike Cook, Ed.D., Principal, Lakeside Middle School, Millville, NJ. In addition to being a Principal, Dr. Cook published two books through Corwin Press (Connected Leadership: It’s Just a Click Away; Breaking Out of Isolation: Becoming a Connected School Leader). He is the co-host of the popular PrincipaPLN podcast and a regular on the Unlock the Middle Videocast. His blog, Insights Into Learning, was recognized as a finalist for Best Administrator Blog by the EduBlog Awards. Spike earned his Doctorate from Rowan University and is an Adjunct Faculty member in the Masters of School Administration Program He is featured in Twinkl’s 30 Education Influencers You Need to Follow and Klear’s Top Ten Middle School Influencers. Dr. Cook is also on the Education Advisory Board for Whole Health Ed. Connect with @drspikecook via Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram.
  • Spike and Jethro discuss how to set goals as a school around
  • test scores related to academics.
  • Using surveys to assess culture.
  • Climate data based on discipline records
  • Got to be collaborative
  • how2be: Learning walk through school.


Transformative Principal Mastermind

Lead a school everyone can be proud of.

Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

I help you stop putting out fires and start leading.

Learn more at

Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books. Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English. Learn more at

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

EdTech Data Breaches: What You Need to Know Cybertraps 125

Show notes

News Item:
- On December 28, 2021, Illuminate Education was hacked. The intrusion, which lasted until January 8, 2022, compromised the private data of nearly one million students in New York State (and maybe more)
- The breach affected at least 24 school districts and 18 charter schools, along with one Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES)
- The company initially described the hack as an “attempted security incident” but then shut down both Skedula and PupilPath for more than a week to address the issue
- Possibly the largest school data breach in U.S. history
- What Is Illuminate Education?
- A California-based edtech company (founded in 2009) that runs a variety of school information platforms, including Skedula (aka IO Classroom), PupilPath, and eduCLIMBER
- From its website:
- Our solution brings together holistic data and collaborative instructional tools, and puts them in the hands of educators.
- As a result, they can visualize each student’s progress, determine the right instructional or intervention strategy, and take the best next action, moment-by-moment.
- More than 17 million students and 5,200 districts and schools across all 50 states rely on Illuminate every day to move the student performance needle.
- It does not have a NY state- or city-wide contract but it is an approved vendor, which means that it was “rigorously reviewed” by the IT Department for the state Department of Education
- Schools use the platforms for a variety of purposes:
- tracking grades and attendance
- communicating with parents
- contact tracing for COVID–19
- The company has earned about $5 million per year from NY schools
- What Data Was Compromised?
- A database containing a variety of personally identifying information, including:
- names
- birthdays
- ethnicities
- home languages
- student ID numbers of current and former public school students going back to the 2016–17 school year
- identities of special ed students
- class and teacher schedules
- identities of those receiving free lunch
- Post-Incident Responses
- Illuminate waited two months to formally notify the city
- Avoid bad publicity and/or litigation
- Negotiating with hackers
- Avoid compromising investigation
- Illuminate claimed that all student data is encrypted but the breach revealed that was not true
- New York state law requires that student information be encrypted both “at rest or in motion”
- The hack is still being investigated by the Dept. of Education, the New York Police Department, the FBI, and NYS Attorney General Leticia James
- A school district in Connecticut also reported a breach, as did at least two in Colorado
- New York State Education Department drafted a template for a letter/web page for parents
- Notification of “unauthorized release of such data”
- Notification of number of years of data affected (blank in template)
- A promise that more information will be provided
- What Are the Risks?
- Profound impact on the ability of schools to function
- Identity Theft using dark web tools and resources
- Credit damage to minors, who typically don’t monitor their credit
- What Can Schools Do?
- Make sure that their own house is in order
- Updated security patches
- Collaboration with other schools/districts
- Ongoing review and utilization of state and federal resources
- Consider bringing in outside security consultants
- Review what student data is collected and whether doing so is mission-critical
- Don’t just collect data because it is possible to do so
- Make local backups of any data that is being transmitted to third-party vendors
- Thoroughly vet third-party vendors who collect and store student data
- Have they had security or data breach issues in the past?
- Advocate for stronger regulation of data collection firms at both state and federal levels
- What Can Parents Do?
- Don’t ignore notices of potential data breaches
- Change any passwords used by you or your children to interact with the school or the vendor platform(s)
- Put a credit lock on child social security numbers
- Take advantage of offers for complimentary credit monitoring for themselves and their children
- Be wary of possible fraud – scam calls, phishing emails, etc.
- Double-check by phone with school personnel about any online request for information
- Talk to your children about possible misuse of their information
- The price of digital data is eternal vigilance
- Resources
- [n.d.] Illuminate Education
- [n.d.] New York State Education Department Template for Breach Notification Letter
- [n.d.] How to Protect Your Child From Identity Theft
- #2022–05–05 565 Schools, Over 1M Students in NY Impacted by Illuminate Data Breach, NYSED Says; 2nd Colorado District Notifies Parents–1m-students-impacted-by-illuminate-data-breach–2nd-colorado-district-affected.aspx?admgarea=News1
- #2022–05–05 List of Schools in New York Impacted by the Illuminate Education Data Breach
- #2022–05–03 Illuminate Education Data Breach Impacted At Least 24 Districts, 18 Charter Schools in NY; Investigation Launched–24-districts–18-charter-schools-in-ny.aspx?m=1
- #2022–04–21 Illuminate Education breach that affected NYC schools spreads to Connecticut
- #2022–04–21 Another School District Says Student Data Breached Within an Illuminate Education Product
- #2022–03–29 After massive NYC student data breach, here are steps you can take to protect your family
- #2022–03–28 Data Breach Alert: Illuminate Education–2802445/
- #2022–03–25 Data of 820,000 NYC students compromised in hack of online grading system: Education Dept.–20220325-ahy3b3b3t5cjzajau63muqcniq-story.html
- #2022–03–21 Data breach exposes 820K New York City students’ information–820k-new-york-city-students-information/621352/
- #2022–01–15 NYC schools crippled by week-long data service systems outage
- #2022–01–14 Ransomware feared in weeklong outage of online grading and attendance system used by NYC schools–20220114-sk5dqssgbjfhzhc3t5lhtbdlai-story.html
- #2022–01–11 Online grade and attendance system used by many NYC schools down for days–20220112-leqn2ovkdbapvjzacfijaah5bu-story.html

SEO Keyword

School Data Breach

Question someone would ask where this would be the answer

My school was hacked

Blog Post (<1000 words)

“My student’s school was hacked!” While there are certainly worse things that could happen at your child’s school, this idea of being hacked can and should cause trepidation among parents.

Here are three things parents and schools can do when they have been hacked



Twitter Thread

The price of digital data is eternal vigilance @cybertraps

Check out this episode!

Michelle Goldshlag is the Co-founder and CEO of Cultured Kids (CK), a nonprofit organization that believes a student’s sense of belonging is the primary catalyst for their success.
In her six years at the helm, Cultured Kids has partnered with schools and community organizations in Northern VA and the Metro Boston area, as well as provide consulting services for international museums and global organizations like the Holistica Foundation in Brazil. Our after school Art & Storytelling Program curriculum was developed to increase sense of belonging for 4–6th graders.

Strategic and focused progression of themes align with the book text and allow participants to easily create connections between them and book characters and one another.
1. Identity
2. Empathy
3. Belonging

Art projects also scaffold along with the themes and the reading. Working from individual,  to small group, and finally large group projects.

Our in person pilot showed a significant increase in student belonging at school and an almost unanimous sense of belonging in the book club itself.

Virtual program during Covid also successful and brought together family members for our closing celebration from as far as Egypt.

Giving Tuesday fundraiser has created opportunities for us to expand this program to other areas outside dc are where currently focused. We are looking for 5 new schools to partner with.

Criteria for partnership:
* A core team at the school willing to work with us. Admin, educators, school counselor.
* Two School staff willing to facilitate book club and work through training. 20 hours total (training & program) and $750 stipend.
* All materials and teacher stipend are covered from through fundraising efforts
* Fee for teacher training that Ed/administrators can use as SEL professional development.

Show Notes

  • Increase kids sense of belonging
  • Work with educators
  • Art & literature transcend time and place.
  • Celia Perez’s First Rule of Punk
  • How to decide what books to read.
  • MOSAIC - My Own Strengths Amplify Inclusive Communities


Transformative Principal Mastermind

Lead a school everyone can be proud of.

Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

I help you stop putting out fires and start leading.

Learn more at

Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books. Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English. Learn more at

New Episode of @TrnFrmPrincipal

Show Notes

Check out this episode!

Check out this episode!

I have several friends who are looking for new positions right now, and there is a lot that goes into making a decision like this.

I’m dedicating this episode to my friends who are looking for something, so imagine that we are in a coffee shop and I’m having this conversation with you. If you do want to have this conversation, because, admittedly, it is easier to have over the phone with someone, or in person. I’m going to ask some questions in here, and when I do that, if you take the time to pause the podcast and actually answer the questions, it will be a valuable experience. Just saying them out loud while you’re driving or exercising will be valuable. Bonus points if you actually write out your answers.

And, if you want to go through this with me, just give me a call. (801) 7-JETHRO. Seriously, that’s my phone number. You’re probably not going to take me up on that because you’ll think I’m too busy, or you don’t matter enough. That’s baloney! If you don’t call me, call someone else you trust!

Before we get into the rest of the episode, I want to recognize a new partner for the Transformative Principal Podcast. This is Just Right Reader at

When I was an elementary principal, I saw firsthand how important reading was. If kids can read, they can do anything. But our decodable readers were not great. There are boring, repetitive and kind of bland. A few weeks ago, Sarah, from just right reader, shared her decodables with me. Kids see themselves in these books.

They are enjoyable and actually funny. I’m going to talk more about this in the future, but in the meantime, check out just right for some decodables that kids will love reading.

Recently, a friend shared this article on LinkedIn with me called “[[Tribe, Brand, Domain (TBD)–How to Think about Building Career]] (link) and I want to highlight some pieces. It is written by David Boyce, who ”is a serial software entrepreneur who has helped build and sell four companies. Currently he is Chief Strategy Officer of XANT and board member for Forrester (NASDAQ: FORR). Dave is an adjunct professor of marketing at Brigham Young University’s Marriott School of Business and a frequent guest lecturer at Harvard Business School."

I regularly have given similar advice to what Dave offers here, but he did it much more eloquently than I have. I encourage you to check out this article

First and foremost, let’s remember what a job is. David describes a job as “a transitional arrangement with an employer that has certain features easy to measure and compare: title, compensation, benefits, etc. ”

A job is just a thing. They come and go. They are largely out of your control, no matter how secure you think that job may be. I would have used the word Transactional (because you’re trading time for money) but I like how Dave uses the word Transitional because it connotes that it is a time of transition, not a permanent thing.

A career is different than a job. Dave says, “A career is something you invest in over the long term. It takes shape longitudinally, layer upon layer. While the person in charge of your job may be your boss, the person in charge of your career is you.”

Two important things:

  1. Your career is your responsibility.
  2. No Career can only be defined with a specific path.
    For example, let’s say in your career, you want to be a superintendent. There are some people who say that in order to be a superintendent, you have to have X years experience as a teacher, then X years as a principal, then X years as curriculum director, then X years assistant superintendent. Then you can “qualify” for that role. That is made up. If I took a poll of superintendents, I am sure many would have followed a similar path to that, and that could be the tried and true way to do it, but that doesn’t mean it is the only way to be a superintendent.

I recently shared a sad story on my other podcast, Cybertraps, where a superintendent in a district in Massachusetts started out as a substitute teacher and eventually became the superintendent. Unfortunately, we were talking about her situation because she got caught in a cybertrap and allegedly sent threatening messages to a police officer to dissuade him from applying to be police chief.

I only bring this weird story in to illustrate that you are in charge of your career, while you may not always be in charge of your job. Your career and how you talk about it is completely up to you.

Dave says, “Who will decide how to sequence jobs, layer experiences, and develop facets of your professional self? Nobody but you.”

When I left being a principal in 2020, I told my wife that even if I went back into schools, I would never define myself by my role again. I get to decide who I am and what that means. So do you. And that’s exactly the point that Dave is making. You are in charge of your career.

When you’re making a choice about a job, Dave continues, “it’s important to focus on things that will matter over the long run. Starting salary doesn’t matter. Starting title doesn’t matter (much). Benefits don’t matter… so what does matter?”

Dave calls the things that matter TBD, Tribe, Brand, Domain.

Let’s talk about each of them:


The 2008 book Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin really brought this idea of tribes to our collective consciousness. I’m sure others have thought and written about it, but that’s when it really became apparent to me.

Dave talks about Tribe like this: “Look to your left and to your right. Who do you see? People who inspire you? Challenge you? Stretch you? Do you get energy from your peers, or do they suck energy from you? Do they encourage you to do your best work or do they bore you? Are you your best professional self among your workmates?”

Your best professional self! That doesn’t mean you are perfect, but it does mean that your peers encourage you to strive. I remember working for one district where we were in a principal meeting, and as soon as the district person left, the other principals started ragging on the district as a whole and complaining about anything and everything. This group of principals did not inspire me to be my best professional self. I knew I had to get out of there.

That’s the negative part, but let me talk about when I worked with Damon, Courtney, and Carla. These were my three assistant principals when I was in Alaska. Although they were all very different, they truly brought out my best professional self. And that made all the difference. I still talk to all three of them regularly, and anytime I’m thinking of something new, they’re some of the first people I talk to about it. They’ve always set me up for success.

And this is the point of the tribe, truly: “If one of your peers finds the opportunity of a lifetime, and they need the best and brightest to join them and reap the rewards of an amazing product, market, etc., who will they call? The people they know and respect. If one of those people is you–lucky you!”

Earlier on when Dave mentioned that salary and title don’t matter, he was right. He says, “On the other hand, if you look to your left and see Sleepy, and to your right and see Dopey, you may be in trouble. It almost doesn’t matter how much an employer pays you–no amount is enough to sacrifice the opportunity to build relationships with best-and-brightest peers.” Thankfully, shortly after I got hired in Fairbanks, I got to interview for an assistant principal. Courtney was clearly the best and brightest.


The next piece in this framework is Brand. And we’re again talking about ourselves as we are finding a position. One of the pieces of advice I give to anyone looking for a job is that you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you.

You have got to see if who they are aligns with your personal brand. Dave introduces a really simple way to evaluate this:

“Do you love talking about your work at parties, family gatherings, reunions? If so, your work is aligned with your personal Brand.”

I had a job cleaning up construction sites once. I hated every minute of it, and I try to never talk about it. More than anything, it taught me what I don’t want to do. I’m not afraid of working hard, in fact, that was the only part of the job that was rewarding: I was outside and building muscle daily.

As I look back on my career now, I’m so grateful for where I worked and what I learned while I was there. Most of my positions are highlights on my resume, but some didn’t really align to my brand. I’m certainly not saying that you can’t learn things, even in difficult or non-ideal situations, but it really is so much better when you are proud of where you work.

In education, most of us are going to work for “Just Another School”. In How to be a Transformative Principal, I teach principals how to NOT be just another school. Regardless, most of us are not going to work at a well-known or popular school. There aren’t many Teslas, Twitters, Amazons, or Apples in the education space. But I encourage you to make your school that way. Be innovative! Disrupt the status quo! Serve your families so well that people want to know what you are doing.

Or not.

If that’s not your brand, you’d hate working in a school like that.

I was talking to Steve Miletto, host of the podcast Teaching Learning Leading K12. He is the executive director of a regional education service agency in the heart of Georgia. He said that people say they want change agents, but then when the change starts happening, many people say, “Wait, it was good enough before!”

Lean into your brand and find places that complement your brand, as in make it complete!


Finally, the last piece of this is Domain. Dave says, “A key piece of a successful career is getting good at something…No one develops all the required domain expertise in one single job, so it is up to you to sequence experiences so you can develop each facet of your professional expertise deliberately.”

This goes back to having a vision for your life! Do you have a vision for your life?

If not, it would be very worth your time to sit down and make a vision for your life so you know how to build your career, know what you want to get good in, and know how to make sure that you have plans in place to support your growth, because you know who you want to become.

Dave continues, “No one develops all the required domain expertise in one single job, so it is up to you to sequence experiences so you can develop each facet of your professional expertise deliberately.”

If you don’t have a vision and goals for your life, you’ll be more likely to coast along and make some decisions that may or may not be in your best interest.

Have you watched the show Severance on Apple’s streaming service? It’s is a bizarre, crazy show but so good. Here’s the premise, in order to achieve “work-life balance” people get an implant that makes their work and personal lives separate. Their work life has no idea what happens with their personal life (not knowing their names, families, relationships, where they live) and their personal self has no idea what happens at work. Just that they show up and then leave at the end of the day. Each side calls themselves awake when they are in that state.

Anyway, these people have a reason why they want to know nothing about the work they do all day. At the end of season 1, you’re left with more questions than answers! But one man, Mark S. chose to do the severance procedure because he lost his wife in a terrible car accident and chose to do this to deal with the grief he was experiencing. He has no desire to know or get good at anything and while he was a professor before, he couldn’t handle being a professor after his wife died.

Thankfully, this dystopic world does not exist yet, and so we need to build domain expertise in our careers. And that is actually quite fulfilling.

The framework is TBD, Tribe, Brand, Domain, created by Dave Boyce. You can use TBD to decide a single job opportunity, or you can use it to determine if your life is heading in the direction that you want it to go.

I’m actually actively evaluating some things in my life right now through this framework and I’ll tell you more about it in episode 484 on June 6th! Be sure to check out for some amazing decodables that your students will actually enjoy reading.


Transformative Principal Mastermind

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Being a principal is tough work. You’re pulled in all kinds of directions. You never have the time to do the work that really matters. Join me as I help school leaders find the time to do the work they became principals to do.

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Just Right Reader

Just Right Reader Decodables are a great way to help your students learn how to read, with research-based strategies that are proven to be effective. Each grade level has over 100 books. Send books home in packs of ten, with video lessons accessible via QR codes on each book, with lessons in Spanish and English. Learn more at

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