Evidence-informed for Real Learning with Eric Kalenze Transformative Principal 334

Social Media: Evidence-informed means looking at what has worked.

Eric Kalenze is the author of “What The Academy Taught Us: Improving Schools From The Bottom Up In A Top-Down Transformation Era.”

How to teach practitioners to put this into practice.

  • High school teacher, English, coach, journalism.
  • Help educators around the country become evidence informed.
  • Education is upside down.
  • ResearchED
  • Evidence-informed - looking at what has worked.
  • More fascinated with planning instruction according to the evidence we have based in cognitive or behavioral science.
  • “There’s contrary evidence that the reading program didn’t work in another district.”
  • This is an evidence-based program, well show me the evidence.
  • “What has worked” is an incredibly complex study.
  • Humans learn incredibly similarly to others, regardless of our backgrounds.
  • Repetition is the mother of all learning.
  • Practice can make permanent.
  • How do we learn, and how can we integrate those sorts of things into practice.
  • How might you retrain people who are already ridiculously busy?
  • Redesigning teacher coaching and evaluation process.
  • Little systemic ways we can talk about scientific studies.
  • In what ways can systems make sure their PD is about evidence-based
  • Give us the tools you do have, and how can we apply some principles that inform the little things you do?
  • In the control of districts.
  • I can’t do certain things because district is moving in this direction.
  • “What the Academy Taught Us” - less academic, but still crucial in education.
  • Remarkable amount of autonomy.
  • I don’t know that enough research has been done on kids post-K–12 experience!
  • 10 years out - how do you look back on this experience?
  • What happened 5–6 years ago.
  • “They jumped the girl in front of me and told their story to me intentionally.”
  • Still close to each other even after all this time.
  • In Search Of Deeper Learning
  • Dr. Bob Perdaems
  • How to be a transformative principal? A book - Daniel Willingham - When can you trust the experts?
  • If the principals can push back on centrally

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